#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use v5.10;
### 创建要比较的10,000个.xml文件 ###
my $profix = ".xml";
foreach my $num (1..10000) {
open(my $fh, '>', $num . $profix) || die "Can not create the file: $!\n";
print $fh "This is file size testing!";
print "All the 10_1000 files created! \n";
### 常规转换: 遍历20次 ###
my $t1 = time();
foreach (1..20){
my @files = glob "*.xml";
my @sorted = sort { -s $a -s $b } @files;
say "常规算法需要时间: => ", time()- $t1;
### Schwartzian转换: 遍历20次 ###
my $t2 = time();
foreach (1..20){
my @files = glob "*.xml";
my @sorted =
map {$_->[0]}
sort {$a->[1] $b->[1]}
map {[$_, -s $_]}
say "Schwartzian算法需要时间: => ", time()- $t2;
All the 10_1000 files created!
常规算法需要时间: => 185
Schwartzian算法需要时间: => 115