Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >Oracle收缩临时表空间
当排序操作、重建索引等大型操作无法在内存中完成时,,临时表空间将为排序提供便利。一般情况下临时表空间为多个用户,多个会话所共享。不能为会话分批空间配额。临时表空间耗用过度且在不能自动扩展的情形下将收到“ORA-1652:unable to extend temp segment” 错误.下面描述了过度扩展后如何释放临时表空间。
Oracle 表空间与数据文件
Oracle 临时表空间的管理与受损恢复
Oracle 彻底 kill session
数据库关闭,重启(一般情况),会话 log off
BANNER +==================================================================================+ SQL> col tbsname format a15 TBSNAME NAME MB STATUS SQL> @temp_usage2 -->此时temp已使用的为4MB,而GO_TEMP未使用
SQL> select * from v$version where rownum
Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
SQL> @temp_sort_segment
| Segment Name : The segment name is a concatenation of the |
| SEGMENT_FILE (File number of the first extent) |
| and the |
| SEGMENT_BLOCK (Block number of the first extent) |
| Current Users : Number of active users of the segment |
| Total Temp Segment Size : Total size of the temporary segment in MB |
| Currently Used Bytes : Bytes allocated to active sorts |
| Extent Hits : Number of times an unused extent was found in the pool |
| Max Size : Maximum number of MB ever used |
| Max Used Size : Maximum number of MB used by all sorts |
| Max Sort Size : Maximum number of MB used by an individual sort |
| Free Requests : Number of requests to deallocate |
Tablespace Segment Current Currently Pct. Extent Max Max Used Max Sort Free
Name Name Users Used MB Used Hits Size MB Size MB Size MB Requests
-------------- -------- ------- --------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
TEMP SYS.0.0 4 4 2 1,864 217 217 217 0
GO_TEMP SYS.0.0 0 0 0 1,305 32,766 367 367 0
************** ------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
sum 4 4 3,169 32,983 584 584 0
SQL> select s.name tbsname,t.name,(t.bytes/1024/1024) mb,t.status
2 from v$tablespace s,v$tempfile t
3 where s.ts# = t.ts#;
--------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------
TEMP /u02/database/ORADB/temp/tempORADB.dbf 235 ONLINE
GO_TEMP /u02/database/ORADB/temp/ORADB_tempORADB.dbf 32767 ONLINE