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SQL Server System Session ID是不是1-50?

2016-06-07 17:21:241113Durchsuche

看到一篇文章问到为什么SQL Server系统的SESSION ID是从1到50的,以前看过文章,这些Session是SQL Server为了运行系统活动比如(

今天在论坛看到一篇文章问到为什么SQL Server系统的SESSION ID是从1到50的,以前看过文章,这些Session是SQL Server为了运行系统活动比如((lazy writer, ghost record cleanup, DTC commit/abort),所以会保留50 Session ID给SQL Server使用,用户会话从51开始。 



spid 50 

但是在SQL Server 2005之后已经没有这个限制了,我在MSDN上找到了下面这篇文章:How It Works: System Sessions 

Looking at a SQL Server error log it is formatted with the date, time and session identifier.  Many of the identifiers contain the s following the spid value.

2008-01-08 20:03:36.12 spid5s

The s indicates that the session is a system session.  Prior to SQL Server 2005 all system sessions were limited to session ids less than 50.  SQL Server 2005 lifted that restriction.  In order identify a session performing system actives (lazy writer, ghost record cleanup, DTC commit/abort, ...) the sessions are identified as system sessions.

Instead of the older "select * from sysprocesses where spid

根据上面的讲法系统Session ID有可能超过50,,所以查询用户Session ID使用 




如果会话是系统会话,则为 0。否则,为 1。不可为空值



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