Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >Oracle 闰年判断

Oracle 闰年判断

2016-06-07 17:01:172235Durchsuche

//闰年最直接的判断是:能被4整除且不能被100整除,或者能被400整除的年份 create or replace procedure pro_leap_year(year_in

create or replace procedure pro_leap_year(year_in in number)  
  v_mod1 number(4) :=mod(year_in,4);  
  v_mod2 number(4) :=mod(year_in,100);  
  v_mod3 number(4) :=mod(year_in,400);  
     if ((v_mod1=0 and v_mod20) or v_mod3=0) then  
        dbms_output.put_line(year_in||' is a leap year');  
     else dbms_output.put_line(year_in||' is not a leap year');  
     end if;  
     when others then  
end pro_leap_year;  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2010);  
2010 is not a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2000);  
2000 is a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> drop procedure pro_leap_year;  
Procedure dropped  
create or replace procedure pro_leap_year(year_in in number)  
  v_year_in varchar2(10) :=to_char(year_in)||'0229';  
  v_date date;  
     v_date :=to_date(v_year_in,'yyyy-mm-dd');  
     dbms_output.put_line(year_in||' is a leap year');  
     when others then  
          dbms_output.put_line(year_in||' is not a leap year');  
end pro_leap_year;  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2010);  
2010 is not a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2000);  
2000 is a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2005);  
2005 is not a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> exec pro_leap_year(2100);  
2100 is not a leap year  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed  
SQL> select case 
  2             when to_char(last_day(to_date(&year||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
  3             then 'the year you input is a leap year' 
  4             else 'the year you input is not a leap year' 
  5         end is_leap_year  
  6  from dual;  
Enter value for year: 2050  
old   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(&year||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
new   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(2050||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
the year you input is not a leap year  
SQL> /  
Enter value for year: 2000  
old   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(&year||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
new   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(2000||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
the year you input is a leap year  
SQL> /  
Enter value for year: 2012  
old   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(&year||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
new   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(2012||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
the year you input is a leap year  
SQL> /  
Enter value for year: 1998  
old   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(&year||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
new   2:            when to_char(last_day(to_date(1998||'02','yyyymm')),'dd')='29' 
the year you input is not a leap year  


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