Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >Oracle 谨慎授予用户dba权限
//我们来看下面这个授权的二叉树,实际中肯定是个图(复杂的图): sys / \ test001(dba) test0
/ \
test001(dba) test002(dba)
/ \ \
t1 t2 t3
Connected as SYS
create user test001 identified by test001 default tablespace users;
grant resource,connect,dba to test001;
create user test002 identified by test002 default tablespace users;
grant resource,connect,dba to test002;
Connected as test001
create user t1 identified by t1;
grant resource,connect to t1;
create user t2 identified by t2;
grant resource,connect to t2;
create table t_temp(
col_1 number(5),
col_2 date default sysdate,
col_3 varchar2(30));
insert into t_temp
select 1001,to_date('2011-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'begin of 2011' from dual union all
select 1002,to_date('2011-04-30','yyyy-mm-dd'),'end of april' from dual;
Connected as t1
create table t(
id number(2),
name varchar2(20),
addr varchar2(30));
insert into t
select 12,'James','shanghai' from dual union all
select 13,'Thomas','changchun' from dual union all
select 25,'Smith','beijing' from dual;
Connected as test002
select * from test001.t_temp;
------ ----------- ------------------------------
1001 2011-01-01 begin of 2011
1002 2011-04-30 end of april
select * from t1.t;
--- -------------------- ------------------------------
12 James shanghai
13 Thomas changchun
25 Smith beijing
drop table t1.t;
Connected as t1
select * from t1
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Connected as test002
drop table test001.t_temp;
Connected as test001
select * from t_temp
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Connected as test002
grant resource,connect to t3;
Connected as t3
create table t3_temp(
col_1 varchar2(10),
col_2 number(5),
col_3 varchar2(5));
select * from t1.t
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
drop table t1.t
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
//这里并没有提示ORA-01031:insufficient privileges,
//而是告诉当前用户ORA-00942: table or view does not exist,
Connected as t1
grant select on t to t3;
Connected as t3
select * from t1.t;
--- -------------------- ------------------------------
12 James shanghai
13 Thomas changchun
25 Smith beijing