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Recommended Books Reading

2016-06-07 16:36:55801Durchsuche

I. Architecuture 1. Scalable internet architecture 2. Release It! 3. Scalability Rules 4. Java Concurrency in Practise II. Database 1. Relational Database Index Design 2. Oracle Core 3. MySQL TroubleShooting High Performance MySQL MySQL H

I. Architecuture

1. Scalable internet architecture

2. Release It!

3. Scalability Rules

4. Java Concurrency in Practise

II. Database

1. Relational Database Index Design

2. Oracle Core

3. MySQL TroubleShooting

High Performance MySQL

MySQL High Availability

III Performance

1. Systems Performance : Enterprise and the Cloud

2. High Performance Browser Networking

3. Optimizing Oracle Performance

IV 社会科学

1. 张五常 经济解释系列

2. 凯文.凯利


3. 塔勒布


4. 丹·艾瑞里


5. 批判性思考系列


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