Heim  >  Artikel  >  Datenbank  >  hql中不能写count(1)可以写count(a.id)


2016-06-07 15:57:071438Durchsuche

hql中不能写count(1)可以写count(a.id)里面写具体的属性 String hql=select new com.haiyisoft.vo.entity.cc.repo.BusinessStat( r.paramName ,t.paramName , + (select nvl(count(1),0) + from com.haiyisoft.entity.cc.busi.Business b,com.haiyisoft.enti


String hql="select new com.haiyisoft.vo.entity.cc.repo.BusinessStat( r.paramName ,t.paramName , "
+" (select nvl(count(1),0) "
+" from com.haiyisoft.entity.cc.busi.Business b,com.haiyisoft.entity.cc.busi.Application a,com.haiyisoft.entity.cc.busi.Channel c "
+" where b.applicationId=a.id and a.appChannel=c.id "
+" and b.servTime>=to_date('" + bgTime + "','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss')"
+" and b.servTime +" and c.channelCode=r.paramCode and substr(b.busiType,0,2)=t.paramCode) as businum)"
+" from "
+" ExtendParamValue r,"
+" ExtendParamValue t"
+" where "
+" r.dimension='CC_CHANNEL_CODE'"
+" and t.dimension='CC_BUSI_TYPE' "
+" and length(t.paramCode)=2"
+" order by r.paramCode,t.paramCode";

一开始写成count(1) 一直出不认识1,一直没在意,整了半天以为别的地方写错了,最后把count(1)变成count(a.id)可以了
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