Heim  >  Artikel  >  Datenbank  >  Therewillbedecreasingperformanceoforaclebydeletewholetablean


2016-06-07 15:54:421173Durchsuche

There is a project that need collecting periodically (2 months) data into one table and then exporting it as excel file. The table is a temporary table, the app do that delete from tb_name;insert into tb_name values........insert into tb_n

There is a project that need collecting periodically (2 months) data into one table and then exporting it as excel file. The table is a temporary table, the app do that

delete from tb_name;

insert into tb_name values.....
insert into tb_name values.....

With that method, it would be causing more and more tablespace fragments, and make the performance decresing.

In other to avoid this disadvantage influences, I suggest programer modify the app as

truncate table tb_name drop storage;

insert into tb_name select * from ...

The delete operation will be causing tablespace fragments.

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