Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >序列化与反序列化(2)
自动对象序列化是转换XML和二进制对象的最简单方法。需要特别说明的是,自动对象序列化仅对公有数据类型和公有数据成员有效。 public class Person{ public string FirstName { get; set; } public char MiddleInitial { get; set; } public string LastName
自动对象序列化是转换XML和二进制对象的最简单方法。需要特别说明的是,自动对象序列化仅对公有数据类型和公有数据成员有效。public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public char MiddleInitial { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; } public double HighschoolGPA { get; set; } public Address Address { get; set; } //to be XML serialized, the type must have //a parameterless constructor public Person() { } public Person(string firstName, char middleInitial, string lastName, DateTime birthDate, double highSchoolGpa, Address address) { this.FirstName = firstName; this.MiddleInitial = middleInitial; this.LastName = lastName; this.BirthDate = birthDate; this.HighschoolGPA = highSchoolGpa; this.Address = address; } public override string ToString() { return FirstName + " " + MiddleInitial + ". " + LastName + ", DOB:" + BirthDate.ToShortDateString() + ", GPA: " + this.HighschoolGPA + Environment.NewLine + Address.ToString(); } } //sorry, don’t feel like listing out 50 states :) public enum StateAbbreviation { RI, VA, SC, CA, TX, UT, WA }; public class Address { public string AddressLine1 { get; set; } public string AddressLine2 { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public StateAbbreviation State { get; set; } public string ZipCode { get; set; } public Address() { } public Address(string addressLine1, string addressLine2, string city, StateAbbreviation state, string zipCode) { this.AddressLine1 = addressLine1; this.AddressLine2 = addressLine2; this.City = city; this.State = state; this.ZipCode = zipCode; } public override string ToString() { return AddressLine1 + Environment.NewLine + AddressLine2 + Environment.NewLine + City + ", " + State + " " + ZipCode; } }
Person person = new Person("John", 'Q', "Public", new DateTime(1776, 7, 4), 3.5, new Address("1234 Cherry Lane", null, "Smalltown", StateAbbreviation.VA, "10000")); Console.WriteLine("Before serialize:" + Environment.NewLine + person.ToString()); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (Person)); //for demo purposes, just serialize to a string StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb)) { //the actual serialization serializer.Serialize(sw, person); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "XML:" + Environment.NewLine + sb.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(sb.ToString())) { //deserialize from text back into binary Person newPerson = serializer.Deserialize(sr) as Person; Console.WriteLine("After deserialize:" + Environment.NewLine + newPerson.ToString()); }
Before serialize:
John Q. Public, DOB:7/4/1776, GPA: 3.5
1234 Cherry Lane
Smalltown, VA 10000
After deserialize:
John Q. Public, DOB:7/4/1776, GPA: 3.5
1234 Cherry Lane
Smalltown, VA 10000