Heim >Datenbank >MySQL-Tutorial >遭遇 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194] ORA-155

遭遇 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194] ORA-155

2016-06-07 14:59:151138Durchsuche

遭遇 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194] ORA-1552


ORA-600 [4194] "Undo Record Number Mismatch While Adding Undo Record" (文档 ID 39283.1)

ORA-01552 While Creating Undo Tablespace (文档 ID 443570.1)

Step by step to resolve ORA-600 4194 4193 4197 on database crash (文档 ID 1428786.1)


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [#], [#], [], [], [], [], []


DESCRIPTION:  A mismatch has been detected between Redo records and rollback (Undo)  records.  We are validating the Undo record number relating to the change being  applied against the maximum undo record number recorded in the undo block.  This error is reported when the validation fails. ARGUMENTS:  Arg [a] Maximum Undo record number in Undo block  Arg [b] Undo record number from Redo block


遭遇 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194] ORA-155


Disable the CDC trigger and then undo tablespace can be created successfully.



SQL> conn / as sysdba

SQL> ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_alter_ctable_before DISABLE;

SQL> ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_after DISABLE;

SQL> ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_before DISABLE;

SQL> ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_drop_ctable_before DISABLE;


1、 关闭数据库  shutdown immediate

2、 启动数据库到mount状态下  startup mount  执行以下语句

alter system set "_system_trig_enabled"=false scope=both;

ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_alter_ctable_before DISABLE;

ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_after DISABLE;

ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_before DISABLE;

ALTER TRIGGER sys.cdc_drop_ctable_before DISABLE;

3、 关闭数据库shutdown immediate,再次重启到mount状态


alter system set  undo_management = manual scope=spfile;

alter system set  event = '10513 trace name context forever, level 2'  scope=spfile;

4、 关闭数据库,启动到startup restrict状态,

1.shutdown immediate;

2.startup restrict;

5、 查看select tablespace_name, status, segment_name from dba_rollback_segs where status != 'OFFLINE';是有存在记录,,如果存在记录,如果不存在可以

新建UNDO表空间    create undo tablespace datafile ‘file’ size xxxM ;



6、 删除旧UNDO表空间包括数据文件drop tablespace  including contents and datafiles;

7、 关闭数据库shutdown immediate,启动到startup nomount状态

8、 修改UNDO表空间为新建变空间alter system set undo_tablespace=’new_undotablespace’ scope=spfile;

9、 重启数据库shutdown immediate ;  startup;


1.alter system set  undo_management = auto scope=spfile;

2.alter system set  event = ''  scope=spfile;

3.alter system set "_system_trig_enabled"=true scope=both;



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