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WordPress中的评分插件 调用。

2016-06-06 20:45:401142Durchsuche


现在想调用这个WordPress中的评分插件,怎么让我的自己写的页面, 伪装成一篇WordPress发表的新文章?

现在已经 知道, 使用 [rate] 可以调用评分插件,但高级自定义还是不太会。.


= How do I manually get the most rated posts using PHP? =

$posts = PostRatings()->getTopRated($arguments);

Possible arguments, and their defaults:

<code>'post_type`    => 'post',
'number'       => 10,                   // max. number of posts to retrieve
'offset'       => 0,                    // offset from where to start
'sortby'       => 'bayesian_rating',    // bayesian_rating, rating or votes
'order'        => 'DESC',               // ASC or DESC
'date_limit'   => 0,                    // date limit in days

Return value is an array of post objects containing the usual post properties + 3 extra properties:

<code>$post->votes                            // number of votes
$post->rating                           // average rating
$post->bayesian_rating                  // weighted rating

Example usage:

<code>global $post;
$results = PostRatings()->getTopRated();

foreach($results as $post){
  setup_postdata($post); ?>

  // here is the usual loop
  <?php the_title(); ?> - <?php printf(_n('%d vote', '%d votes', $post->votes), $post->votes); ?>

  <?php }

// restore original post



现在想调用这个WordPress中的评分插件,怎么让我的自己写的页面, 伪装成一篇WordPress发表的新文章?

现在已经 知道, 使用 [rate] 可以调用评分插件,但高级自定义还是不太会。.


= How do I manually get the most rated posts using PHP? =

$posts = PostRatings()->getTopRated($arguments);

Possible arguments, and their defaults:

<code>'post_type`    => 'post',
'number'       => 10,                   // max. number of posts to retrieve
'offset'       => 0,                    // offset from where to start
'sortby'       => 'bayesian_rating',    // bayesian_rating, rating or votes
'order'        => 'DESC',               // ASC or DESC
'date_limit'   => 0,                    // date limit in days

Return value is an array of post objects containing the usual post properties + 3 extra properties:

<code>$post->votes                            // number of votes
$post->rating                           // average rating
$post->bayesian_rating                  // weighted rating

Example usage:

<code>global $post;
$results = PostRatings()->getTopRated();

foreach($results as $post){
  setup_postdata($post); ?>

  // here is the usual loop
  <?php the_title(); ?> - <?php printf(_n('%d vote', '%d votes', $post->votes), $post->votes); ?>

  <?php }

// restore original post
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