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2016-06-06 20:25:471495Durchsuche

EaglePHP框架开发微信5.0的API接口,包含微信5.0 API基础接口、自定义菜单、高级接口,包括如下接收用户消息、向用户回复消息、会话界面自定义菜单、语音识别、客


包含微信5.0 API基础接口、自定义菜单、高级接口,具体如下:

复制代码 代码如下:

 * 微信公众平台API
class WeixinChat

 private $token;

 private $appid;

 private $appsecret;

 private $access_token;

 // 接收的数据
 private $_receive = array();

 private $_reply = '';

 // 接口错误码
 private $errCode = '';

 // 接口错误信息
 private $errMsg = '';

 // 微信oauth登陆获取code
 const CONNECT_OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = 'https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?';

 // 微信oauth登陆通过code换取网页授权access_token
 const SNS_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?';

 // 微信oauth登陆刷新access_token(如果需要)
 const SNS_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/refresh_token?';

 // 通过ticket换取二维码
 const SHOW_QRCODE_URL = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showqrcode?';

 // 微信oauth登陆拉取用户信息(需scope为 snsapi_userinfo)
 const SNS_USERINFO_URL = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?';

 // 请求api前缀
 const API_URL_PREFIX = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin';

 // 自定义菜单创建
 const MENU_CREATE_URL = '/menu/create?';

 // 自定义菜单查询
 const MENU_GET_URL = '/menu/get?';

 // 自定义菜单删除
 const MENU_DELETE_URL = '/menu/delete?';

 // 获取 access_token
 const AUTH_URL = '/token?grant_type=client_credential&';

 // 获取用户基本信息
 const USER_INFO_URL = '/user/info?';

 // 获取关注者列表
 const USER_GET_URL = '/user/get?';

 // 查询分组
 const GROUPS_GET_URL = '/groups/get?';

 // 创建分组
 const GROUPS_CREATE_URL = '/groups/create?';

 // 修改分组名
 const GROUPS_UPDATE_URL = '/groups/update?';

 // 移动用户分组
 const GROUPS_MEMBERS_UPDATE_URL = '/groups/members/update?';

 // 发送客服消息
 const MESSAGE_CUSTOM_SEND_URL = '/message/custom/send?';

 // 创建二维码ticket
 const QRCODE_CREATE_URL = '/qrcode/create?';


  * 初始化配置数据
  * @param array $options
 public function __construct($options)
  $this->token = isset($options['token']) ? $options['token'] : '';
  $this->appid = isset($options['appid']) ? $options['appid'] : '';
  $this->appsecret = isset($options['appsecret']) ? $options['appsecret'] : '';

  * 获取发来的消息
  * 当普通微信用户向公众账号发消息时,微信服务器将POST消息的XML数据包到开发者填写的URL上。
 public function getRev()
  $postStr = file_get_contents('php://input');
   $this->_receive = (array)simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
   //Log::info(var_export($this->_receive, true));
  return $this;

  * 获取微信服务器发来的消息
 public function getRevData()
  return $this->_receive;

  * 获取接收者
 public function getRevTo()
  return isset($this->_receive['ToUserName']) ? $this->_receive['ToUserName'] : false;

  * 获取消息发送者(一个OpenID)
 public function getRevFrom()
  return isset($this->_receive['FromUserName']) ? $this->_receive['FromUserName'] : false;

  * 获取接收消息创建时间 (整型)
 public function getRevCTime()
  return isset($this->_receive['CreateTime']) ? $this->_receive['CreateTime'] : false;

  * 获取接收消息类型(text、image、voice、video、location、link、event)
 public function getRevType()
  return isset($this->_receive['MsgType']) ? $this->_receive['MsgType'] : false;

  * 获取接收消息编号
 public function getRevId()
  return isset($this->_receive['MsgId']) ? $this->_receive['MsgId'] : false;

  * 获取接收消息文本
  * 通过语音识别接口,用户发送的语音,将会同时给出语音识别出的文本内容。(需申请服务号的高级接口权限)
 public function getRevText()
  if(isset($this->_receive['Content'])) return trim($this->_receive['Content']);
  elseif(isset($this->_receive['Recognition'])) return trim($this->_receive['Recognition']);
  else return false;

  * 获取接收图片消息
 public function getRevImage()
   return array(
        'picUrl' => $this->_receive['PicUrl'],  //图片链接
     'mediaId' => $this->_receive['MediaId'] //图片消息媒体id,可以调用多媒体文件下载接口拉取数据。
  return false;

  * 获取接收语音消息
 public function getRevVoice()
   return array(
        'mediaId' => $this->_receive['MediaId'],  //语音消息媒体id,可以调用多媒体文件下载接口拉取数据。
     'format' => $this->_receive['Format'] //语音格式,如amr,speex等
  return false;

  * 获取接收视频消息
 public function getRevVideo()
   return array(
        'mediaId' => $this->_receive['MediaId'],       //视频消息媒体id,可以调用多媒体文件下载接口拉取数据。
     'thumbMediaId' => $this->_receive['ThumbMediaId']  //视频消息缩略图的媒体id,可以调用多媒体文件下载接口拉取数据。
  return false;

  * 获取用户地理位置
 public function getRevLocation()
   return array(
        'locationX' => $this->_receive['Location_X'],  //地理位置维度
     'locationY' => $this->_receive['Location_Y'],  //地理位置经度
     'scale' => $this->_receive['Scale'], //地图缩放大小
     'label' => $this->_receive['Label'] //地理位置信息
   return array(
        'latitude' => $this->_receive['Latitude'],  //地理位置纬度
     'longitude' => $this->_receive['Longitude'], //地理位置经度
      'precision' => $this->_receive['Precision'] // 地理位置精度
  return false;

  * 获取接收链接消息
 public function getRevLink()
   return array(
        'title' => $this->_receive['Title'],  //消息标题
     'description' => $this->_receive['Description'],  //消息描述
     'url' => $this->_receive['Url'] //消息链接
  return false;

  * 获取接收事件类型
  * 事件类型如:subscribe(订阅)、unsubscribe(取消订阅)、click
 public function getRevEvent()
   return array(
     'event' => strtolower($this->_receive['Event']),
     'key'=> isset($this->_receive['EventKey']) ? $this->_receive['EventKey'] : ''
  return false;

  * 设置回复文本消息
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $openid
 public function text($content='')
  $textTpl = "

  $this->_reply = sprintf($textTpl,
  return $this;

  * 设置回复音乐信息
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $desc
  * @param string $musicurl
  * @param string $hgmusicurl
 public function music($title, $desc, $musicurl, $hgmusicurl='')
  $textTpl = '


  $this->_reply = sprintf($textTpl,
  return $this;

  * 回复图文消息
  * @param array
 public function news($data)
  $count = count($data);
  $subText = '';
  if($count > 0)
   foreach($data as $v)
    $tmpText = '

    $subText .= sprintf(
        $tmpText, $v['title'],
        isset($v['description']) ? $v['description'] : '',
        isset($v['picUrl']) ? $v['picUrl'] : '',
        isset($v['url']) ? $v['url'] : ''

  $textTpl = '

  $this->_reply = sprintf(
  return $this;

  * 回复消息
  * @param array $msg
  * @param bool $return
 public function reply()
  echo $this->_reply;

  * 自定义菜单创建
  * @param array 菜单数据
 public function createMenu($data)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($data), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;

  * 自定义菜单查询
 public function getMenu()
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 自定义菜单删除
 public function deleteMenu()
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MENU_DELETE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;

  * 获取用户基本信息
  * @param string $openid 普通用户的标识,对当前公众号唯一
 public function getUserInfo($openid)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::USER_INFO_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token.'&openid='.$openid);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 获取关注者列表
  * @param string $next_openid 第一个拉取的OPENID,不填默认从头开始拉取
 public function getUserList($next_openid='')
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::USER_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token.'&next_openid='.$next_openid);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 查询分组
 public function getGroup()
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUPS_GET_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 创建分组
  * @param string $name 分组名字(30个字符以内)
 public function createGroup($name)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;
  $data = array('group' => array('name' => $name));
  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUPS_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($data), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;

  * 修改分组名
  * @param int $id 分组id,由微信分配
  * @param string $name 分组名字(30个字符以内)
 public function updateGroup($id, $name)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $data = array('group' => array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name));
  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUPS_UPDATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($data), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;

  * 移动用户分组
  * @param string $openid 用户唯一标识符
  * @param int $to_groupid 分组id
 public function updateGroupMembers($openid, $to_groupid)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $data = array('openid' => $openid, 'to_groupid' => $to_groupid);
  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::GROUPS_MEMBERS_UPDATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($data), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;

  * 发送客服消息
  * 当用户主动发消息给公众号的时候(包括发送信息、点击自定义菜单clike事件、订阅事件、扫描二维码事件、支付成功事件、用户维权),
  * 微信将会把消息数据推送给开发者,开发者在一段时间内(目前为24小时)可以调用客服消息接口,通过POST一个JSON数据包来发送消息给普通用户,在24小时内不限制发送次数。
  * 此接口主要用于客服等有人工消息处理环节的功能,方便开发者为用户提供更加优质的服务。
  * @param string $touser 普通用户openid
 public function sendCustomMessage($touser, $data, $msgType = 'text')
  $arr = array();
  $arr['touser'] = $touser;
  $arr['msgtype'] = $msgType;
  switch ($msgType)
   case 'text': // 发送文本消息
    $arr['text']['content'] = $data;

   case 'image': // 发送图片消息
    $arr['image']['media_id'] = $data;

   case 'voice': // 发送语音消息
    $arr['voice']['media_id'] = $data;

   case 'video': // 发送视频消息
    $arr['video']['media_id'] = $data['media_id']; // 发送的视频的媒体ID
    $arr['video']['thumb_media_id'] = $data['thumb_media_id']; // 视频缩略图的媒体ID

   case 'music': // 发送音乐消息
    $arr['music']['title'] = $data['title'];// 音乐标题
    $arr['music']['description'] = $data['description'];// 音乐描述
    $arr['music']['musicurl'] = $data['musicurl'];// 音乐链接
    $arr['music']['hqmusicurl'] = $data['hqmusicurl'];// 高品质音乐链接,wifi环境优先使用该链接播放音乐
    $arr['music']['thumb_media_id'] = $data['title'];// 缩略图的媒体ID

   case 'news': // 发送图文消息
    $arr['news']['articles'] = $data; // title、description、url、picurl

  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::MESSAGE_CUSTOM_SEND_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($arr), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return true;

  return false;


  * 获取access_token
 public function checkAuth()

  // 从缓存中获取access_token
  $cache_flag = 'weixin_access_token';
  $access_token = cache($cache_flag);
   $this->access_token = $access_token;
   return true;

  // 请求微信服务器获取access_token
  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::AUTH_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&secret='.$this->appsecret);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0))
    $this->access_token = $jsonArr['access_token'];
    $expire = isset($jsonArr['expires_in']) ? intval($jsonArr['expires_in'])-100 : 3600;
    // 将access_token保存到缓存中
    cache($cache_flag, $this->access_token, $expire, Cache::FILE);
    return true;
  return false;

  * 微信oauth登陆->第一步:用户同意授权,获取code
  * 应用授权作用域,snsapi_base (不弹出授权页面,直接跳转,只能获取用户openid),
  * snsapi_userinfo (弹出授权页面,可通过openid拿到昵称、性别、所在地。并且,即使在未关注的情况下,只要用户授权,也能获取其信息)
  * 直接在微信打开链接,可以不填此参数。做页面302重定向时候,必须带此参数
  * @param string $redirect_uri 授权后重定向的回调链接地址
  * @param string $scope 应用授权作用域 0为snsapi_base,1为snsapi_userinfo
  * @param string $state 重定向后会带上state参数,开发者可以填写任意参数值
 public function redirectGetOauthCode($redirect_uri, $scope=0, $state='')
  $scope = ($scope == 0) ? 'snsapi_base' : 'snsapi_userinfo';
  $url = self::CONNECT_OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&redirect_uri='.urlencode($redirect_uri).'&response_type=code&scope='.$scope.'&state='.$state.'#wechat_redirect';

  * 微信oauth登陆->第二步:通过code换取网页授权access_token
  * @param string $code
 public function getSnsAccessToken($code)
  $result = curlRequest(self::SNS_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&secret='.$this->appsecret.'&code='.$code.'&grant_type=authorization_code');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 微信oauth登陆->第三步:刷新access_token(如果需要)
  * 由于access_token拥有较短的有效期,当access_token超时后,可以使用refresh_token进行刷新,
  * refresh_token拥有较长的有效期(7天、30天、60天、90天),,当refresh_token失效的后,需要用户重新授权。
  * @param string $refresh_token 填写通过access_token获取到的refresh_token参数
 public function refershToken($refresh_token)
  $result = curlRequest(self::SNS_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_URL.'appid='.$this->appid.'&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token='.$refresh_token);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 微信oauth登陆->第四步:拉取用户信息(需scope为 snsapi_userinfo)
  * 如果网页授权作用域为snsapi_userinfo,则此时开发者可以通过access_token和openid拉取用户信息了。
  * @param string $access_token 网页授权接口调用凭证,注意:此access_token与基础支持的access_token不同
  * @param string $openid 用户的唯一标识
 public function getSnsUserInfo($access_token, $openid)
  $result = curlRequest(self::SNS_USERINFO_URL.'access_token='.$access_token.'&openid='.$openid);
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 创建二维码ticket
  * 每次创建二维码ticket需要提供一个开发者自行设定的参数(scene_id),分别介绍临时二维码和永久二维码的创建二维码ticket过程。
  * @param int $scene_id 场景值ID,临时二维码时为32位整型,永久二维码时最大值为1000
  * @param int $type 二维码类型,0为临时,1为永久
  * @param int $expire 该二维码有效时间,以秒为单位。 最大不超过1800。
 public function createQrcode($scene_id, $type=0, $expire=1800)
  if(!$this->access_token && !$this->checkAuth()) return false;

  $data = array();
  $data['action_info'] = array('scene' => array('scene_id' => $scene_id));
  $data['action_name'] = ($type == 0 ? 'QR_SCENE' : 'QR_LIMIT_SCENE');
  if($type == 0) $data['expire_seconds'] = $expire;

  $result = curlRequest(self::API_URL_PREFIX.self::QRCODE_CREATE_URL.'access_token='.$this->access_token, $this->jsonEncode($data), 'post');
   $jsonArr = json_decode($result, true);
   if(!$jsonArr || (isset($jsonArr['errcode']) && $jsonArr['errcode'] > 0)) $this->error($jsonArr);
   else return $jsonArr;

  return false;

  * 通过ticket换取二维码
  * 获取二维码ticket后,开发者可用ticket换取二维码图片。请注意,本接口无须登录态即可调用。
  * 提醒:TICKET记得进行UrlEncode
  * ticket正确情况下,http 返回码是200,是一张图片,可以直接展示或者下载。
  * 错误情况下(如ticket非法)返回HTTP错误码404。
  * @param string $ticket
 public function getQrcodeUrl($ticket)
  return self::SHOW_QRCODE_URL.'ticket='.urlencode($ticket);

  * 记录接口产生的错误日志
 public function error($data)
  $this->errCode = $data['errcode'];
  $this->errMsg = $data['errmsg'];
  Log::info('WEIXIN API errcode:['.$this->errCode.'] errmsg:['.$this->errMsg.']');

  * 将数组中的中文转换成json数据
  * @param array $arr
 public function jsonEncode($arr) {
     $parts = array ();
        $is_list = false;
        //Find out if the given array is a numerical array
        $keys = array_keys ( $arr );
        $max_length = count ( $arr ) - 1;
        if (($keys [0] === 0) && ($keys [$max_length] === $max_length )) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1
            $is_list = true;
            for($i = 0; $i                if ($i != $keys [$i]) { //A key fails at position check.
                  $is_list = false; //It is an associative array.
                foreach ( $arr as $key => $value ) {
                        if (is_array ( $value )) { //Custom handling for arrays
                                if ($is_list)
                                        $parts [] = $this->jsonEncode ( $value ); /* :RECURSION: */
                                        $parts [] = '"' . $key . '":' . $this->jsonEncode ( $value ); /* :RECURSION: */
                        } else {
                                $str = '';
                                if (! $is_list)
                                        $str = '"' . $key . '":';
                                //Custom handling for multiple data types
                                if (is_numeric ( $value ) && $value                                        $str .= $value; //Numbers
                                elseif ($value === false)
                                $str .= 'false'; //The booleans
                                elseif ($value === true)
                                $str .= 'true';
                                        $str .= '"' . addslashes ( $value ) . '"'; //All other things
                                // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Object?)
                                $parts [] = $str;
                $json = implode ( ',', $parts );
                if ($is_list)
                        return '[' . $json . ']'; //Return numerical JSON
                return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON

  * 检验签名
 public function checkSignature()
        $signature = HttpRequest::getGet('signature');
        $timestamp = HttpRequest::getGet('timestamp');
        $nonce = HttpRequest::getGet('nonce');

  $token = $this->token;
  $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);
  $tmpStr = implode($tmpArr);
  $tmpStr = sha1($tmpStr);

  return ($tmpStr == $signature ? true : false);

  * 验证token是否有效
 public function valid()
  if($this->checkSignature()) exit(HttpRequest::getGet('echostr'));


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