CSS syntax

CSS syntax rules consist of two main parts: selectors, and one or more declarations (declaration groups). The selector is usually the HTML element you need to change the style of. Each declaration consists of a property and a value, where the property is the style attribute you wish to set; there is one for each property, and the property and value are separated by a colon. CSS declarations always end with a semicolon (;), and groups of declarations are enclosed in braces ({}).

Example Demonstration


body {background-color:yellow;}
h1   {font-size:36pt;}
h2   {color:blue;}
p    {margin-left:50px;}


<h1>This header is 36 pt</h1>
<h2>This header is blue</h2>

<p>This paragraph has a left margin of 50 pixels</p> 


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body {background-color:tan;}
h1   {color:maroon;font-size:20pt;}
hr   {color:navy;}
p    {font-size:11pt;margin-left:15px;}
a:link    {color:green;}
a:visited {color:yellow;}
a:hover   {color:black;}
a:active  {color:blue;}


<h1>This is a header 1</h1>

<p>You can see that the style 
sheet formats the text</p>

<p><a href="http://www.w3cschool.cc" 
target="_blank">This is a link</a></p>


Run instance»

Click "Run instance" " button to view online examples

CSS examples

CSS rules consist of two main parts: the selector, and one or more declarations:


The selector is usually the HTML element you need to change the style of.

Each statement consists of an attribute and a value.

The property is the style attribute you wish to set. Each attribute has a value. Properties and values ​​are separated by colons.

CSS Example

CSS declarations always end with a semicolon (;), and declaration groups are enclosed in braces ({}):

p {color:red;text-align:center;

To make CSS more readable, you can describe only one attribute per line:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 

<p>Hello World!</p>
<p>This paragraph is styled with CSS.</p>

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Click the "Run Example" button to view the online example

CSS Comments

Comments are used to explain your code , and feel free to edit it, the browser will ignore it.

CSS comments start with "/*" and end with "*/". Examples are as follows:
