C# constants
Constants are fixed values that will not change during program execution. Constants can be of any basic data type, such as integer constants, floating point constants, character constants or string constants, as well as enumeration constants.
Constants can be treated as regular variables, but their values cannot be modified after they are defined.
Integer constants
Integer constants can be decimal, octal or hexadecimal constants. The prefix specifies the base: 0x or 0X for hexadecimal, 0 for octal, and no prefix for decimal.
Integer constants can also have suffixes, which can be a combination of U and L, where U and L represent unsigned and long respectively. Suffixes can be uppercase or lowercase, and multiple suffixes can be combined in any order.
Here are some examples of integer constants:
212 /* 合法 */ 215u /* 合法 */ 0xFeeL /* 合法 */ 078 /* 非法:8 不是一个八进制数字 */ 032UU /* 非法:不能重复后缀 */
The following are examples of various types of integer constants:
85 /* 十进制 */ 0213 /* 八进制 */ 0x4b /* 十六进制 */ 30 /* int */ 30u /* 无符号 int */ 30l /* long */ 30ul /* 无符号 long */
Floating point constants
A float Point constants are composed of integer part, decimal point, decimal part and exponent part. You can represent floating-point constants in decimal or exponential form.
Here are some examples of floating point constants:
3.14159 /* 合法 */ 314159E-5L /* 合法 */ 510E /* 非法:不完全指数 */ 210f /* 非法:没有小数或指数 */ .e55 /* 非法:缺少整数或小数 */
When expressed in decimal form, it must contain the decimal point, the exponent, or both. When expressed in exponential form, it must contain an integer part, a decimal part, or both. Signed exponents are represented by e or E.
Character constants
Character constants are enclosed in single quotes, for example, 'x', and can be stored in a simple character type variable. A character constant can be an ordinary character (such as 'x'), an escape sequence (such as '\t'), or a universal character (such as '\u02C0').
There are some specific characters in C# that have special meaning when preceded by a backslash and can be used to represent a newline character (\n) or a tab character (\t). Here, list some escape sequence codes:
Escape sequence | Meaning |
\\ | \ characters |
\' | ' characters |
\" | "Characters |
? Characters | |
Alert or bell | |
Backspace | |
Form feed | |
Line break (Newline) | |
Enter | |
Horizontal tab tab | |
Vertical tab tab | |
One to three octal numbers | |
One or more digits Hexadecimal number |