C++ standard library

The C++ standard library can be divided into two parts:

  • Standard function library: This library is general, independent, and does not belong to any Made up of class functions. The function library is inherited from C language.

  • Object-oriented class library: This library is a collection of classes and their related functions.

The C++ standard library contains all C standard libraries, with certain additions and modifications made to support type safety.

Standard function library

The standard function library is divided into the following categories:

  • Input/output I/O

  • String and Character Handling

  • Math

  • Time, Date and Localization

  • Dynamic allocation

  • Others

  • Wide character function

Object-oriented class library

The standard C++ object-oriented class library defines a large number of classes that support some common operations, such as input/output I/O, string processing, and numerical processing. The object-oriented class library contains the following contents:

  • Standard C++ I/O class

  • String class

  • Numerical class

  • STL container class

  • STL algorithm

  • STL function object

  • STL iterator

  • STL allocator

  • Localization library

  • Exception handling class

  • Miscellaneous support library