Yesterday review
23 minutes05 secondsReview of mysql extension
13 minutes40 secondsBasic introduction to mysqli extension
11 minutes28 secondsUse mysqli to complete query operations
30 minutes56 secondsmysqli extension details (1)
16 minutes06 secondsmysqli extension details (2)
12 minutes55 secondsBasic introduction to DAOMysQLi
10 minutes55 secondsDAOMysQLi development(1)
18 minutes24 secondsDAOMySQLi Object-Query
36 minutes01 secondsDAOMySQLi object-dml and job placement
22 minutes49 secondsmysqli extended transaction control
08 minutes50 secondsmysqli executes sql in batches
34 minutes35 secondsMysqli preprocessing explanation 1
33 minutes37 secondsMysqli preprocessing explanation 2
18 minutes11 secondsYesterday review
22 minutes46 secondsIntroduction of http protocol
10 minutes18 secondsFlow chart of http protocol operation
26 minutes25 secondsVirtual host configuration
40 minutes17 secondsHow to capture packets
17 minutes12 secondshttp requests a page and a description of the content of the page
09 minutes25 secondsBasic introduction to http requests
09 minutes40 secondshttp request details(1)
21 minutes20 secondshttp request line details(2)
07 minutes49 secondshttp request headers and application cases 1
37 minutes21 secondshttp request header application case 2
33 minutes25 secondsBasic introduction to http response
08 minutes18 secondshttp response status code
29 minutes27 secondsHTTP protocol response headers - and jobs
11 minutes45 secondsBasic introduction and working principle of predefined superglobal array
15 minutes02 secondsHow to receive form submitted data
22 minutes36 secondsPredefined superglobal array
08 minutes12 secondsYesterday review
19 minutes13 secondsBasic introduction to files
25 minutes11 secondsGet file information
27 minutes36 secondsphp reads files(1)
24 minutes53 secondsphp reads files(2)
16 minutes38 secondsphp reads files(3)
10 minutes33 secondsCreate file and write content
37 minutes38 secondsDelete Files
05 minutes27 secondsModify files
10 minutes55 secondsDirectory operations
32 minutes27 secondsTraverse a folder
28 minutes24 secondsCount the size of a folder
24 minutes48 secondsDelete and copy directories
22 minutes10 secondssummary
03 minutes42 secondsInstallation and simple use of zendstudio editor
44 minutes19 secondsFile upload introduction
33 minutes52 secondsSimple implementation of file upload
19 minutes38 secondsLimit uploaded file size
30 minutes17 secondsGive the uploaded file a unique file name
17 minutes57 secondsStore uploaded files in separate directories
10 minutes53 secondsLimit uploaded file types
22 minutes38 secondsEncapsulate file upload into a class
33 minutes24 secondsDownload Document
36 minutes08 secondsYesterday reappears
15 minutes04 secondsPaging introduction, creating a dead paging navigation bar
29 minutes33 secondsDynamically create paging navigation based on the total number of records and the records displayed on each page
17 minutes30 secondsPagination navigation displays the first 3 pages and the next 3 pages
15 minutes36 secondsSummary of pagination details
07 minutes01 secondsComprehensive application for product list and paging
21 minutes47 secondsPaging summary (may be an encrypted file, please verify)
37 minutes13 secondsIntroduction to drawing, drawing lines
31 minutes56 secondsDraw rectangles, circles, images
30 minutes29 secondsDraw text and arcs
19 minutes07 secondsCreate canvas and randomly generate characters
34 minutes39 secondsDraw random characters into the canvas
24 minutes15 secondsApplication of verification code class in projects
18 minutes22 secondsAn introductory example of image compression
22 minutes00 secondsCompress equally within a specified range
33 minutes39 secondsEncapsulate image compression processing class
20 minutes37 secondsImproved image compression processing compatible with mainstream image formats
29 minutes38 secondsImprove classification---add search function (may be encrypted files, please verify)
50 minutes57 secondsSession introduction
25 minutes55 secondsThe principle and simple use of cookies
20 minutes48 secondscookie details
31 minutes03 secondsAn explanation of the 7 parameters when setting cookies
38 minutes46 secondsReview of yesterday’s content
19 minutes06 secondsIntroduction to session principles and application scenarios
31 minutes08 secondsBasic operations of session (add, delete, modify, check)
24 minutes10 secondssession shopping cart exercise
23 minutes33 secondsSession anti-jump wall and verification code verification
31 minutes17 secondsSession related configuration
29 minutes00 secondsini_set modifies PHP configuration file
10 minutes18 secondssession storage mechanism
15 minutes56 secondsSome interview questions related to session storage
22 minutes01 secondsGarbage collection mechanism
20 minutes25 secondsRewrite the session storage mechanism
The difference between cookie and session
07 minutes42 secondsConversation mechanism review
19 minutes59 secondsPDO introduction and simple use
34 minutes26 secondsComparison of PDO and mysql expansion efficiency
15 minutes18 secondsAdd, delete, modify and query operations using PDO
27 minutes32 secondsGet error information, quote escape wrapping method
12 minutes07 secondsquote method to prevent sql injection
22 minutes24 secondspdo transaction processing
17 minutes12 secondsPDO preprocessing
27 minutes09 secondsPreprocessing advantages, obtaining the primary key value of the inserted record
11 minutes50 secondsCommon methods provided by PDOStatement object
21 minutes20 secondsUse interfaces to standardize methods and naming of PDO classes
13 minutes08 secondsDeclare interfaces and classes to implement the functions of interface specifications
13 minutes11 secondsInstantiate simple interest objects (three private and one public)
20 minutes39 secondsMethods to complete the interface definition
33 minutes28 secondsPDO review
23 minutes56 secondsPDO class improvement (closing cursor, executing addition, deletion and modification of return value, PDO exception class)
13 minutes18 secondsTemplate engine introduction
24 minutes32 secondsIntroduction and simple use of smarty template engine
26 minutes48 secondsTemplate variable sources: configuration files, smarty reserved variables
29 minutes00 secondsTemplate variable regulator (1)
16 minutes58 secondsVariables carried when using http requests in templates
13 minutes20 secondsEntity transcoding, url transcoding
19 minutes43 secondstruncate string interception
07 minutes06 secondsUse flow control statements in templates
48 minutes41 secondsIntroduction and use of smarty cache.itbull
32 minutes29 secondsNot cached locally
18 minutes29 secondsSingle template and multiple caches
21 minutes04 secondssmarty review
27 minutes40 secondsDelete cache
07 minutes38 secondsCommon configurations of smarty
12 minutes50 secondsCustom template engine (1)
14 minutes05 secondsCustom template engine (2)
14 minutes02 secondsError type, mask error, error log
38 minutes12 secondsCustom error handler
unusual use
42 minutes53 secondsIntroduction to namespaces
19 minutes48 secondsDefine namespace
21 minutes04 secondsUse namespaces
26 minutes27 secondsnamespace import
19 minutes43 secondsDynamic language features of namespaces
09 minutes42 secondsNamespace exercise
12 minutes20 secondsYesterday's review
11 minutes26 secondsIntroduction to MVC
19 minutes41 secondsModel layer encapsulation
28 minutes59 secondsFactory class instantiates singleton model object
17 minutes48 secondsEncapsulation of the controller layer
23 minutes59 secondsReorganize the directory structure of mvc
24 minutes54 secondsEntry file
31 minutes05 secondsIntroduction to automatic loading
17 minutes18 secondsNamespace all classes
26 minutes16 secondsAccording to the prompt information of the class, parse the complete path of the class
19 minutes48 secondsEncapsulation entry file
18 minutes12 secondsImprove automatic loading
20 minutes19 secondsSummary of automatic loading and encapsulation of entry files
32 minutes28 secondsmvc framework review
52 minutes07 secondsHomework explanation
24 minutes32 secondsFramework adds configuration system
35 minutes06 secondsUsing the configuration system in the framework
22 minutes43 secondsAdd path constants to the project
10 minutes15 secondsInitialize real table names in base model
33 minutes47 secondsAutomatically insert data
18 minutes22 secondsAutomatically delete
13 minutes47 secondsAutomatic updates
32 minutes36 secondsAutomatic query
20 minutes23 secondsSummary of automated processing
26 minutes29 seconds"2017 Latest PHP Advanced Video Tutorial" allows us to learn PHP's various data types, process control, functions, use of functions, arrays, class objects, design patterns and other advanced PHP contents.