Learn about Vuejs course introduction
15 minutes55 secondsUnderstand the knowledge and features of Vuejs
24 minutes00 secondsMaster the installation method of vuejs
11 minutes07 secondsMaster the first experience of HelloVuejs
21 minutes28 secondsMaster the display of Vue lists
11 minutes37 secondsMaster small case counter
16 minutes19 secondsUnderstanding Vue’s mvvm
11 minutes40 secondsUnderstand Vue’s options
07 minutes18 secondsUnderstand what is the life cycle of Vue
17 minutes43 secondsUnderstand what the life cycle functions of Vue are
09 minutes59 secondsUnderstand the template that defines vue
10 minutes16 secondsMaster the interpolation operation mustache syntax
08 minutes08 secondsMaster the interpolation operation and use other instructions
21 minutes54 secondsMaster the basic use of v bind
13 minutes33 secondsMaster the v bind dynamic binding class object syntax
13 minutes09 secondsUnderstand v bind dynamic binding class array syntax
07 minutes38 secondsComplete the assignment of combining v bind and v for
05 minutes29 secondsMaster v bind dynamic binding style object syntax
19 minutes40 secondsUnderstand v bind dynamic binding style array syntax
02 minutes57 secondsMaster the basic use of computed properties
10 minutes12 secondsMaster the complex operations of computed properties
08 minutes31 secondsLearn about class review
14 minutes37 secondsUnderstanding computed property setters and getters
16 minutes01 secondsMaster the comparison between computed properties and methods
09 minutes53 secondsMaster block-level scope let and var
37 minutes53 secondsUnderstand the comparison of three solutions: ES5 does not have closures, has closures, and ES6’s let
14 minutes00 secondsMaster the use and precautions of const
15 minutes04 secondsMaster the enhanced writing method of ES6 object literals
17 minutes31 secondsMaster the parameter passing problem of v on
17 minutes55 secondsMaster the use of modifiers of v on
12 minutes33 secondsMaster the use of v if and v else if and v else
12 minutes00 secondsA small case of mastering login switching
07 minutes02 secondsUnderstand the input reuse problem of login switching
12 minutes12 secondsMaster the use of v show and the difference with v if
07 minutes54 secondsMaster v for to traverse arrays and objects
11 minutes11 secondsUnderstand the difference between v for bound and unbound keys
16 minutes55 secondsMaster the use of axios interceptors
27 minutes39 secondsUnderstand which methods in arrays are reactive
30 minutes15 secondsReview and implementation of mastery assignments
10 minutes41 secondsMaster the shopping cart case interface construction
13 minutes17 secondsMaster the use of shopping cart filters
05 minutes32 secondsMaster the shopping cart case and change the purchase quantity
08 minutes43 secondsMaster Shopping Cart Case Remove Button Final Price
06 minutes24 secondsMaster the use of JavaScript higher-order functions
49 minutes59 secondsMaster the use and principles of v model
16 minutes32 secondsMaster the use of v model combined with radio types
08 minutes50 secondsMaster the use of v model combined with checkbox type
09 minutes38 secondsMaster the use of v model combined with select type
07 minutes19 secondsMaster value binding in input
07 minutes52 secondsMaster the use of v model modifiers
10 minutes19 secondsMaster the implementation and usage steps of componentization
15 minutes58 secondsMaster the basic usage process of componentization
11 minutes31 secondsMaster global components and local components
10 minutes55 secondsUnderstand the distinction between parent components and child components
12 minutes37 secondsMaster the syntactic sugar writing method of registered components
10 minutes38 secondsMaster the writing method of component template extraction
07 minutes37 secondsUnderstand why component data must be a function
28 minutes57 secondsMaster the communication between parent and child components and pass props from parent to child
37 minutes35 secondsMaster the parent-child component communication props camel case identification
10 minutes28 secondsMaster the communication between parent and child components and pass custom events from child to parent
22 minutes15 secondsLearn about project demos
11 minutes32 secondsUnderstand knowledge review
16 minutes56 secondsMaster the communication between parent and child components and combine two-way binding cases
32 minutes06 secondsMaster the combination of two-way binding cases and drawing analysis
12 minutes46 secondsUnderstand watch implementation combined with two-way binding case
04 minutes56 secondsMastering parent access to children refs
17 minutes52 secondsUnderstanding child access to parent parent root
10 minutes56 secondsMaster the basic use of slot slots
17 minutes52 secondsMaster the use of slot named slots
07 minutes12 secondsUnderstand the concept of compilation scope
09 minutes17 secondsUnderstand the problems caused by complex front-end code
16 minutes00 secondsUnderstand the prototype of front-end modularization and CommonJS
22 minutes20 secondsMaster the import and export of ES modularity
32 minutes24 secondsUnderstand the introduction and installation of webpack
24 minutes41 secondsMaster the basic usage process of webpack
18 minutes53 secondsMaster webpack config js configuration and package json configuration
28 minutes14 secondsMaster the configuration of using css files in webpack
24 minutes11 secondsMaster the processing of webpack less files
20 minutes47 secondsMaster the processing of webpack image files
38 minutes34 secondsMaster webpack ES6 to ES5 babel
14 minutes11 secondsMaster the configuration process of webpack using Vue
22 minutes14 secondsMaster the relationship between template and el when creating Vue
09 minutes15 secondsMaster the use of webpack banner plugin
12 minutes53 secondsMaster the use of webpack HtmlWebpackPlugin
12 minutes33 secondsMaster the use of webpack UglifyjsWebpackPlugin
06 minutes13 secondsMaster webpack dev server to build a local server
17 minutes13 secondsMaster the separation of webpack configuration files
16 minutes50 secondsUnderstand the introduction and installation of vuecli scaffolding
23 minutes52 secondsMaster the vuecli CLI2 initialization project process
25 minutes37 secondsUnderstand the directory structure analysis of vuecli CLI2
40 minutes14 secondsUnderstand knowledge review
10 minutes15 secondsMaster installation CLI errors and ESLint specifications
29 minutes34 secondsUnderstand the difference between runtime compiler and runtime only
32 minutes42 secondsMaster VueCLI3 to create project and directory structure
42 minutes07 secondsMaster the use of arrow functions and this pointing
21 minutes55 secondsUnderstand what routing is and the mapping relationship therein
17 minutes53 secondsUnderstand front-end rendering, back-end rendering and front-end routing and back-end routing
48 minutes17 secondsMaster the hash of url and the history of HTML5
23 minutes03 secondsMaster the installation and configuration methods of vue router
11 minutes11 secondsMaster route map configuration and rendering
12 minutes48 secondsMaster the default value of routing and modify it to history mode
09 minutes37 secondsMaster other additional attributes of router link
09 minutes40 secondsMaster jump routing through code
06 minutes43 secondsMaster the use of vue router dynamic routing
26 minutes39 secondsMaster the parsing of vue router packaging files
20 minutes13 secondsMaster the use of lazy loading of vue router routes
13 minutes54 secondsMaster the nested use of vue router routing
15 minutes47 secondsMaster vue router parameter passing 1
23 minutes31 secondsMaster vue router parameter passing 2
04 minutes43 secondsUnderstand the origin of vue router router and route
25 minutes37 secondsMaster vue router global navigation guard
16 minutes45 secondsUnderstand the supplement of vue router navigation guard
14 minutes49 secondsMaster vue router keep alive and other issues
30 minutes23 secondsMaster the introduction of vue router keep alive attribute
07 minutes10 secondsMaster the construction of the basic structure of tabbar
25 minutes15 secondsMaster tabbar TabBar and TabBarItem component encapsulation
24 minutes38 secondsMaster tabbar and pass active image to TabBarItem
11 minutes14 secondsMaster the effect of combining tabbar TabBarItem and routing
15 minutes43 secondsMaster the dynamic control of tabbar TabBarItem color
15 minutes11 secondsUnderstand knowledge review
12 minutes01 secondsMaster the reference problem of tabbar file path
16 minutes38 secondsMaster the introduction and basic use of Promise Promise
40 minutes44 secondsMaster the three states of Promise and other processing methods of Promise
10 minutes13 secondsMaster Promise Promise chain calls
19 minutes52 secondsMaster the use of all methods of Promise Promise
13 minutes09 secondsMaster vuex Vuex concept and function analysis
21 minutes17 secondsMaster vuex single interface to multi-interface status management switching
30 minutes34 secondsMaster vuex devtools and mutations
13 minutes12 secondsMaster the understanding of vuex state single state tree
12 minutes35 secondsMaster the detailed explanation of the use of vuex getters
21 minutes27 secondsMaster the parameters carried by vuex mutations
10 minutes48 secondsMaster the submission style of vuex mutations
06 minutes02 secondsMaster the responsiveness principle of vuex data
21 minutes59 secondsMaster the type constants of vuex mutations
08 minutes36 secondsMaster the detailed explanation of the use of vuex actions
24 minutes25 secondsMaster the detailed explanation of the use of vuex modules
19 minutes58 secondsMaster the directory organization of the vuex store folder
10 minutes55 secondsUnderstanding network request module selection axios
12 minutes55 secondsMaster the basic use of axios framework
22 minutes23 secondsMaster axios sending concurrent requests
14 minutes00 secondsMaster the configuration information of axios
09 minutes16 secondsMaster the examples and module encapsulation of axios
40 minutes14 secondsMaster the use of axios interceptors
27 minutes39 secondsMaster Project Development Project Creation and GitHub Hosting
22 minutes23 secondsMaster the introduction of css files in project development
11 minutes14 secondsMaster project development vue config and editorconfig
10 minutes55 secondsMaster project development, tabbar introduction and project module division
15 minutes32 secondsUnderstand project development, modification of small icons and path issues
05 minutes10 secondsMaster homepage development, encapsulation and use of homepage navigation bar
18 minutes20 secondsMaster homepage development and request multiple data for homepage
27 minutes50 secondsMaster the development of home page and the display of carousel images
19 minutes46 secondsMaster homepage development and display of recommended information
11 minutes19 secondsUnderstand knowledge review
10 minutes01 secondsMaster the encapsulation of FeatureView in homepage development
14 minutes03 secondsMaster the encapsulation of TabControl in homepage development
24 minutes04 secondsMaster the data structure design of homepage development and product storage
14 minutes51 secondsMaster home page development and request and save home page data
24 minutes43 secondsMaster homepage development and display of homepage product data
27 minutes08 secondsMaster homepage development and switch products with TabControl click
09 minutes34 secondsMaster the installation and use of Better Scroll
Master the basic usage analysis of Better scroll
Master the process of using Better Scroll in Vue projects
Master the encapsulation and use of BScroll in homepage development
Master the encapsulation and use of BackTop components in homepage development
22 minutes54 secondsMaster the display and hiding of BackTop in homepage development
24 minutes18 secondsMaster homepage development and complete pull-up to load more
Master the review of yesterday’s content
36 minutes52 secondsMaster homepage development and bug analysis and resolution in scrolling area
Master the bug handling that cannot be found in the refresh function
Master the anti-shake function processing that refreshes frequently
30 minutes42 secondsMaster pull-up loading for more completions
Mastering the ceiling effect of TabControl is completed
34 minutes58 secondsMaster Home to record status and location when leaving
Master the ability to jump to the details page and carry iid
Master the encapsulation of the details page navigation bar
09 minutes47 secondsMaster the details page, data request and carousel display
Master the display of basic product information on the details page
Master the analysis and display of store information on the details page
Master the details page and add the scrolling effect Scroll
Master the details page Product details data display
Master the display of product parameter information on the details page
Get to know the content review
Master the details page Jump to the details page from the home page
Master the details page and maintain the home page position
Master the implementation of details page navigation bar
Understanding the bugs in Better Scroll’s scrollto function
Master the details page. Request based on iid details page data
14 minutes59 secondsMaster the display of the carousel at the top of the details page
Master the basic information display of the product on the details page
34 minutes34 secondsMaster the details page, scrolling problem handling and TabBar hiding
Master the details page Store information display on the details page
Master the details page Product picture information display on the detail page
Vue.js is a very popular front-end development framework that adopts a progressive bottom-up development model and uses the mainstream MVVM design framework. This course is based on the core concepts and common technologies of Vue.js development, allowing you to understand and master the core knowledge of the Vue.js framework in the shortest possible time, laying a good foundation for further study.