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HTML5+CSS practice project [Hand Knock Onmyoji official website]

In terms of the layout of web page works: the overall layout of the web page is the layout of LOGO, navigation, carousel images, and main content. There are multiple layouts for sub-pages. The interest and hobby content uses a picture list layout. A table is inserted into the results page. Contact us uses the picture alignment method to set left alignment. Technical aspects of web page works: Use CSS to create web page background images, mouse over and selected navigation color changes, underlines, etc. A message form was created on the homepage, and the form judgment was created simply using JavaScript.
  • Difficulty:Elementary
  • Total of15 chapters
  • 12827 plays
  • About Instructor

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    In terms of the layout of web page works: the overall layout of the web page is the layout of LOGO, navigation, carousel images, and main content. There are multiple layouts for sub-pages. The interest and hobby content uses a picture list layout. A table is inserted into the results page. Contact us uses the picture alignment method to set left alignment. Technical aspects of web page works: Use CSS to create web page background images, mouse over and selected navigation color changes, underlines, etc. A message form was created on the homepage, and the form judgment was created simply using JavaScript.

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