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Write your own PHP MVC framework (40 chapters in depth/big details/must read for newbies to advance)

Efficient development is inseparable from the assistance of frameworks. Mastering the use of mainstream PHP development frameworks is a basic skill that every PHP programmer must have. If you want to master framework development, the fastest way is to know what the underlying operating principles of the framework are. What is the idea of ​​programming? Writing a framework by yourself is recognized as the fastest way to learn frameworks! This course uses the most straightforward language and the simplest cases to let you learn to write it yourself without knowing it. A small framework (MVC)
  • Difficulty:Intermediate
  • Total of41 chapters
  • 78442 plays
  • About Instructor

    full-stack engineer
    You will learn:

    1. What is the principle of Web? 2. How does the PHP framework work? 3. $_SERVER and server knowledge? 4. What are the underlying principles and processes of the MVC framework? 5. What is the complete implementation process of controller, view and model? 6. Other necessary framework development knowledge

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