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Webpack+react family bucket develops grain backend project

The core concepts of webpack Entry: Entry, the starting point (file) for Webpack packaging Output: output, the bundle (packaged file) generated by webpack compilation and packaging Loader: Module loader (converter), which packages non-js and non-json modules into js modules that webpack can understand. Plugin: Plug-in, which inserts code with specific functions at specific times in the Webpack build process
  • Difficulty:Intermediate
  • Total of168 chapters
  • 218951 plays
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    You will learn:

    The core concepts of webpack Entry: Entry, the starting point (file) for Webpack packaging Output: output, the bundle (packaged file) generated by webpack compilation and packaging Loader: Module loader (converter), which packages non-js and non-json modules into js modules that webpack can understand. Plugin: Plug-in, which inserts code with specific functions at specific times in the Webpack build process

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