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How to get started quickly as a newcomer

1. How do newcomers choose a programming language and get into the industry quickly? 2. How to choose the correct learning path and get twice the result with half the effort? 3. Do I need to learn both front-end and back-end? There will be a lottery during the live broadcast. The event reply address is: www.php.cn/wenda/166317.html. Welcome to participate!
  • Difficulty:Elementary
  • Total of5 chapters
  • 9484 plays
  • About Instructor

    full-stack engineer
    You will learn:

    1. How to quickly get started with a programming language? 2. How to find an ideal job that suits you? 3. What conditions need to be met to start a business? Are you suitable for starting a business? 4. What are the current mainstream technologies for web development? What are the future development trends?

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