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JavaScript programming skills and practice

Introduction >
Chapter1JavaScript variable declaration and flow control

Scientific memory method for many attributes of html-css

06 minutes33 seconds

JavaScript learning overview and goals--separation of front-end and back-end

06 minutes59 seconds

The core of the idea of ​​front-end and back-end separation and learning objectives

03 minutes54 seconds

What is javascript and its development history

03 minutes03 seconds

Three reference methods in javascript

08 minutes22 seconds

What are the output methods of javascript?

06 minutes43 seconds

javascript basic syntax

04 minutes45 seconds

Declaration and naming convention of javascript variables

04 minutes59 seconds

JavaScript variable type conversion

09 minutes00 seconds

A brief analysis of the use of javascript operators

07 minutes08 seconds

javascript flow control structure

06 minutes12 seconds
Chapter2JS high-order functions and object traversal

The use of while loop nested structure

11 minutes07 seconds

for loop implements multiplication table

07 minutes13 seconds

Usage of break and continue statements

01 minutes57 seconds

Declaration of js custom function

05 minutes11 seconds

Parameters of js function and their functions

05 minutes41 seconds

return value of js function

02 minutes35 seconds

Use of function variable parameters

06 minutes23 seconds

js high-order function callback function

05 minutes21 seconds

js high-order function anonymous function

05 minutes20 seconds

Use the constructor to generate a js object

06 minutes32 seconds

Create objects through new Object()

03 minutes19 seconds

Parse this object in js

05 minutes35 seconds

Loop traversal of js objects

06 minutes04 seconds

Declare js objects in literal mode

05 minutes39 seconds

js array related operations

06 minutes25 seconds
Chapter3Play with JS array operation methods

Rules for using js objects in actual development

06 minutes39 seconds

js uses built-in constructor to create wrapper object

07 minutes39 seconds

Use of js queue method push()-shift()-pop()-unshift()

08 minutes50 seconds

js array operation method

06 minutes21 seconds

js system sorting algorithm

07 minutes52 seconds

js array iteration processing method

03 minutes16 seconds

js string operation method

08 minutes27 seconds

js numerical methods and properties

02 minutes25 seconds

js math object methods

09 minutes59 seconds

Date method--implement calendar function

06 minutes37 seconds

js common event types

05 minutes25 seconds
Chapter4BOM operation implements JS timer

js exception handling

10 minutes53 seconds

BOM Browser Object Model

08 minutes04 seconds

BOM core--window object

05 minutes52 seconds

window content loading event

06 minutes24 seconds

Member properties of the window object

04 minutes13 seconds

window object window operation method

08 minutes21 seconds

js timer

06 minutes52 seconds

Multiple timer clear

08 minutes57 seconds

Application of window.screen object

05 minutes52 seconds

window.location object implements page jump

05 minutes18 seconds

Application of window.history object

05 minutes16 seconds

Application of js cookie operation object

05 minutes17 seconds

js localStorage client data storage

08 minutes29 seconds

Homework summary and summary of this chapter

04 minutes16 seconds
Chapter5DOM manipulation to implement dynamic tabs

The origin of the DOM document object model

08 minutes09 seconds

Association and conversion between JS and HTML

07 minutes32 seconds

Add animation to a single dom element

09 minutes12 seconds

DOM attribute members and document flow

09 minutes15 seconds

Get an object through the document's collection operation

06 minutes41 seconds

model operation element content

09 minutes47 seconds

model operation element attributes

07 minutes17 seconds

js implements batch adding selectors

11 minutes32 seconds

js implements dynamic tab

09 minutes55 seconds

Obtain the collection of elements through the name attribute to implement the select-all function

06 minutes53 seconds

Homework summary

05 minutes17 seconds
Chapter6DOM node navigation and animation settings

Get object-1 through class name attribute

05 minutes09 seconds

Get object by class name attribute-2

04 minutes40 seconds

Find html elements through querySelectorAll() method

05 minutes30 seconds

HTML DOM navigation

07 minutes48 seconds

Node properties

08 minutes43 seconds

Navigate between nodes

09 minutes42 seconds

How to encapsulate and obtain a node collection

09 minutes14 seconds

How to create-delete-append-replace element node 01

08 minutes27 seconds

How to create-delete-append-replace element node 02

06 minutes03 seconds

Detailed explanation of the width, height and position attributes of the div box 01

07 minutes22 seconds

Detailed explanation of the width, height and position attributes of the div box 02

10 minutes24 seconds

DOM animation settings

07 minutes38 seconds
Chapter7Event bubbling and mouse and keyboard mini-game implementation

Course Review and Outlook (Key Points)

03 minutes26 seconds

The relationship between event source-event object-event handler

06 minutes47 seconds

Three ways to add events to elements

05 minutes53 seconds

Event object parsing

06 minutes22 seconds

Event object properties--event bubbling

08 minutes39 seconds

Mouse event--implement the picture to follow the mouse movement

08 minutes54 seconds

Simulate mouse drag event 01

08 minutes10 seconds

Simulate mouse drag event 02

07 minutes10 seconds

Keyboard events--implementing keyboard wizard mini-game 01

09 minutes14 seconds

Keyboard events--implementing keyboard wizard mini-game 02

06 minutes57 seconds

Keyboard events--implementation of keyboard wizard mini-game 03

04 minutes51 seconds

Scroll event--the page scrolls to keep the image position fixed

07 minutes42 seconds

Events and methods related to DOM forms

08 minutes02 seconds

Drop-down box onchange event and job demonstration

06 minutes45 seconds
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