博客列表 >京东app首页布局


2021年03月19日 19:16:411422浏览



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  54. <a href=""><img src="static/images/dh/nav-1.png" alt=""></a>
  55. <a href="">京东超市</a>
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  59. <a href="">数码电器</a>
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  63. <a href="">京东服饰</a>
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  67. <a href="">京东生鲜</a>
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  71. <a href="">京东到家</a>
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  76. <a href="">充值缴费</a>
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  80. <a href="">9.9元拼</a>
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  106. <a href="">来电好货</a>
  107. <a href="">3c大放价</a>
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  113. <a href="">国潮风尚</a>
  114. <a href="">正品直邮</a>
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  120. <a href=""></a>
  121. <a href="">都是你爱的</a>
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  130. <div class="title">京东秒杀</div>
  131. <div class="notice">
  132. <div class="tips">22点专场</div>
  133. <div class="time">00:11:22</div>
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  136. <div class="right">更多秒杀>></div>
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  140. <a href=""><img src="static/images/ms/ms-1.jpg" alt=""></a>
  141. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">338</div>
  142. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">558</div>
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  145. <a href=""><img src="static/images/ms/ms-2.jpg" alt=""></a>
  146. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">3456</div>
  147. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">4567</div>
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  150. <a href=""><img src="static/images/ms/ms-3.jpg" alt=""></a>
  151. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">666</div>
  152. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">999</div>
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  155. <a href=""><img src="static/images/ms/ms-4.jpg" alt=""></a>
  156. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">3456</div>
  157. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">4658</div>
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  165. <img src="static/images/tj/tj-1.jpg" alt="">
  166. <img src="static/images/sd/sd-1.jpg" alt="">
  167. <p>嗨购不止6折</p>
  168. <p>进口时尚</p>
  169. </div>
  170. </li>
  171. <li class="item">
  172. <div class="box">
  173. <img src="static/images/tj/tj-2.jpg" alt="">
  174. <img src="static/images/sd/sd-1.jpg" alt="">
  175. <p>赠限量野兽派</p>
  176. <p>潮礼送给他</p>
  177. </div>
  178. </li>
  179. <li class="item">
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  181. <img src="static/images/tj/tj-3.jpg" alt="">
  182. <img src="static/images/sd/sd-1.jpg" alt="">
  183. <p>9.9元特惠</p>
  184. <p>京东汽车</p>
  185. </div>
  186. </li>
  187. <li class="item">
  188. <div class="box">
  189. <img src="static/images/tj/tj-4.jpg" alt="">
  190. <img src="static/images/sd/sd-1.jpg" alt="">
  191. <p>每满100减50</p>
  192. <p>图书圣诞购</p>
  193. </div>
  194. </li>
  195. </ul>
  196. <!-- 推荐区 -->
  197. <h2 class="title">猜你喜欢</h2>
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  200. <a href=""><img src="static/images/sp/sp-1.webp" alt=""></a>
  201. <p>商品介绍</p>
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  204. <div>看相似</div>
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  209. <p>商品介绍</p>
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  216. <a href=""><img src="static/images/sp/sp-3.webp" alt=""></a>
  217. <p>商品介绍</p>
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  220. <div>看相似</div>
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  225. <p>商品介绍</p>
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  233. <p>商品介绍</p>
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  241. <p>商品介绍</p>
  242. <div class="price">
  243. <div class="iconfont icon-rmb">203</div>
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  32. }



  1. /* 声明区 */
  2. .main .sm {
  3. height: 10rem;
  4. }




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