trait t8{
public function say(){
echo 'these are two method with the same name.';
trait t9{
protected function say(){
echo 'these are two method with the same name.';
trait t10{
use t8,t9{
t8::say insteadof t9;
t9::say as public read;
class work3{
use t10;
$work3=new work3();
echo $work3->say().'<br>';
echo $work3->read().'<br>';
trait t11{
public function aa($year){
return $age;
interface i2{
const NAME='jack';
public function caculator(int $i);
class Work4 implements i2{
use t11;
public function caculator(int $i){
return $sum;
}else {
return '参数非法';
$work4=new Work4();
echo '参数年份,计算年龄:<br>';
echo $work4::NAME.'的年龄是:'.$work4->aa(2000).'<br>';
echo '参数正整数,进行累加:<br>';
echo '结果是'.$work4->caculator(10).'<br>';
//缺点:a.方法都是public,不能访问限制;b.由于trait可以use trait,层数多了可能会把我搞晕吧!