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Web Pages Helper

ASP.NET Web Pages - More Helpers

ASP.NET Helpers - Object Reference Manual

Analytics Object Reference Manual (Google)

Analytics.GetGoogleHtml(webPropertyId)Renders the Google Analytics JavaScript code for the specified ID.
Analytics.GetStatCounterHtml(project,security)Renders the StatCounter Analytics JavaScript code for the specified project.
Analytics.GetYahooHtml(account)Renders the Yahoo Analytics JavaScript code for the specified account.

Bing Object Reference Manual

Bing.SearchBox([boxWidth]) Pass the search to Bing. You can set the Bing.SiteUrl and Bing.SiteTitle properties to set the title of the site search and search box. You usually set these properties on the _AppStart page.
Bing.AdvancedSearchBox([, boxWidth] [, resultWidth] [, resultHeight]
[, themeColor] [, locale]
Display Bing search results on the page in an optional format. You can set the Bing.SiteUrl and Bing.SiteTitle properties to set the title of the site search and search box. You usually set these properties on the _AppStart page.

Chart Object Reference Manual

##Chart(Initialize the chart. Chart.AddLegend(Add a legend to the chart. Chart.AddSeries(Add a series of data to the chart.

width, height [, template] [, templatePath])
[title] [, name])
[name] [, chartType] [, chartArea] [, axisLabel] [, legend] [, markerStep] [, xValue]
[, xField] [, yValues] [, yFields] [, options])

Crypto Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionCrypto.Hash(Return the hash of the specified data. The default algorithm is sha256.

Facebook Object Reference Manual

string [, algorithm])Crypto.Hash(
bytes [, algorithm])
##Facebook. LikeButton(Let Facebook users connect to the web page.
href [, buttonLayout] [, showFaces] [, width] [, height] [, action] [, font] [, colorScheme] [, refLabel]

FileUpload Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionFileUpload.GetHtml( Presents the UI for uploading files.
[initialNumberOfFiles] [, allowMoreFilesToBeAdded] [
includeFormTag] [, addText] [,uploadText])

GamerCard Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionGamerCard.GetHtml(Renders the specified Xbox gamer tag.

Gravatar Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionGravatar.GetHtml(Renders a Gravatar image for the specified email address.
email [, imageSize] [, defaultImage] [, rating] [, imageExtension] [, attributes]

Json Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionJson.Encode(Convert data objects to strings using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Json.Decode(Convert the JSON-encoded input string to the data object you specify.

LinkShare Object Reference Manual

HelperDescriptionLinkShare.GetHtml(Renders a social network link using the specified title and optional URL.

ModelState Object Reference Manual

pageTitle [, pageLinkBack] [, twitterUserName] [, additionalTweetText] [, linkSites]
ModelStateDictionary. AddError(key,errorMessage)Associates the error message with a form field. Use the ModelState helper to access members.
ModelStateDictionary.AddFormError(errorMessage)Associates error information with a form. Use the ModelState helper to access members.
ModelStateDictionary.IsValidReturns true if there are no validation errors. Use the ModelState helper to access members.

ObjectInfo Object Reference Manual

ObjectInfo.Print(value [, depth] [, enumerationLength])Represents the properties and values ​​of an object and all sub-objects.

Recaptcha Object Reference Manual

Recaptcha.GetHtml([, publicKey] [, theme] [, language] [, tabIndex])Renders the reCAPTCHA verification test.
Set the public and private keys for the reCAPTCHA service. These properties are usually set on the _AppStart page.
ReCaptcha.Validate([, privateKey])Return reCAPTCHA test results.
ServerInfo.GetHtml()Renders Presents status information about ASP.NET Web Pages.

Twitter Object Reference Manual

Twitter.Profile(twitterUserName)Renders a Twitter stream for the specified user.
Twitter.Search(searchQuery)Renders a Twitter stream for the specified search text.

Video Object Reference Manual

Video. Flash(filename [, width, height])Renders Flash video playback with optional width and height for the specified file.
Video.MediaPlayer(filename [, width, height])Renders a Windows Media Player with optional width and height for the specified file.
Video.Silverlight(filename, width, height) is the specified .xap File renders to the desired width and height of the Silverlight player.

WebCache Object Reference Manual

WebCache.Get(key)Returns the specified object through key, or returns null if the object is not found.
WebCache.Remove(key)Removes the specified object from the cache via key.
WebCache.Set(key, value [, minutesToCache] [, slidingExpiration])Place value into the cache with the specified name through key.

WebGrid Object Reference Manual

WebGrid(data)Creates a Create a new WebGrid object with the query data.
WebGrid.GetHtml()Renders markup Display data in an HTML table.
WebGrid.Pager()Renders a page to a WebGrid object.

WebImage Object Reference Manual

WebImage( path)Loads an image from the specified path.
WebImage.AddImagesWatermark(image)Add watermark to the specified image.
WebImage.AddTextWatermark(text)Add the specified text to the image.
Flip the image horizontally/vertically
WebImage. GetImageFromRequest()Loads the image when the image is sent to a file upload page.
WebImage.Resize(width, height)Resize the image.
Rotate the image left or right.
WebImage.Save(path [, imageFormat])Save the image to the specified path.