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Web Pages database

ASP.NET Web Pages - Database Object

ASP.NET Database Object Reference Manual

Database.Execute(SQLstatement [,parameters])Execute SQL statements SQLstatement (with optional parameters), such as INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE, and return affected record statistics.
Database.GetLastInsertId()Returns the identity column of the most recently inserted row.
Use Web The connection string in the .config file opens the specified database file or the specified database.
Database.OpenConnectionString(connectionString)Open a database using a connection string. (The difference from Database.Open is that Database.Open uses the name of the connection string, and the value of the connection string is configured elsewhere.)
Database.Query(SQLstatement[, parameters])Use SQL statement SQLstatement (with optional parameters) to query the database and return a result set.
Database.QuerySingle(SQLstatement[, parameters])Execute SQL statementSQLstatement (with optional parameters) and returns a single record.
Database.QueryValue(SQLstatement[, parameters])Execute SQL statementSQLstatement (with optional arguments) and returns a single value.