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ASP.NET Tutorial  update time:2022-04-11 14:18:18

Web Pages PHP

ASP.NET Web Pages -PHP

PHP developers please note that Web Pages can be written in PHP.

WebMatrix supports PHP

At first glance, I think WebMatrix only supports Microsoft technology. This is not correct. In WebMatrix, you can write complete PHP applications.

Creating a PHP Site

In the ASP.NET Web Pages - Creating a Website chapter, you have created an empty page named "Demo" Website with an empty page of type "CSHTML".

Repeat the creation process, create an empty site named "Demo_PHP", check "Enable PHP" (as shown in the figure below), create a blank page of PHP type, and name it "index .php" and you have created your first PHP site.


Create a PHP page

Copy the following code into the "index.php" file:


<!DOCTYPE html>



Run the file to see a demo of the PHP page.