ASP Dictionary
Dictionary objects are used to store information in name/value pairs.

Try it - Example
Does the key specified exist?
This example demonstrates how to create a Dictionary object and then use the Exists method to check whether the specified key exists.
Return an array of all items
This example demonstrates how to use the Items method to return an array of all items.
Return an array of all keys
This example demonstrates how to use the Keys method to return an array of all keys.
Return the value of an item
This example demonstrates how to use the Item property to return the value of an item.
Set a key
This example demonstrates how to use the Key property to set a key in a Dictionary object.
Return the number of key/item pairs
This example demonstrates how to use the Count property to return the number of key/item pairs.
Dictionary Object
Dictionary objects are used to store information in name/value pairs (equivalent to keys and items). Dictionary objects appear to be simpler than arrays, however, Dictionary objects are a more satisfactory solution for handling related data.
Compare Dictionaries and Arrays:
Keys are used to identify items in Dictionary objects
You do not need to call ReDim to change Dimensions of Dictionary objects
When an item is deleted from a Dictionary, the remaining items are automatically moved up
Dictionary is not multi-dimensional, but an array Is multi-dimensional
Dictionary has more built-in functions than array
Dictionary works better than array when accessing random elements frequently Better
#Dictionary works better than arrays when locating items based on their contents
The following example creates a Dictionary object , added some key/item pairs to the object, and then retrieved the item value for key gr:
Dim d
Set d=Server.CreateObject("Scripting .Dictionary")
d.Add "re","Red"
d.Add "gr","Green"
d.Add "bl","Blue"
d.Add " pi","Pink"
Response.Write("The value of key gr is: " & d.Item("gr"))
The value of key gr is: Green
The properties and methods of the Dictionary object are described as follows:
Properties | Description |
CompareMode | Sets or returns the comparison mode used to compare keys in a Dictionary object. |
Count | Returns the number of key/item pairs in the Dictionary object. |
Item | Sets or returns the value of an item in a Dictionary object. |
Key | Set a new key value for an existing key value in the Dictionary object. |
Method | Description |
Add | Adds a new key/item pair to the Dictionary object. |
Exists | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified key exists in the Dictionary object. |
Items | Returns an array of all items in the Dictionary object. |
Keys | Returns an array of all keys in the Dictionary object. |
Remove | Removes the specified key/item pair from the Dictionary object. |
RemoveAll | Removes all key/item pairs in the Dictionary object. |