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2016-05-23 16:38:561641browse


// 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的星座
function get_xingzuo($cid) {
 $cid = getIDCard($cid);
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return '';
 $bir = substr($cid,10,4);
 $month = (int)substr($bir,0,2);
 $day = (int)substr($bir,2);
 $strValue = '';
 if (($month == 1 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 2 && $day <= 18)) {
  $strValue = "水瓶座";
 } else if (($month == 2 && $day >= 19) || ($month == 3 && $day <= 20)) {
  $strValue = "双鱼座";
 } else if (($month == 3 && $day > 20) || ($month == 4 && $day <= 19)) {
  $strValue = "白羊座";
 } else if (($month == 4 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 5 && $day <= 20)) {
  $strValue = "金牛座";
 } else if (($month == 5 && $day >= 21) || ($month == 6 && $day <= 21)) {
  $strValue = "双子座";
 } else if (($month == 6 && $day > 21) || ($month == 7 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "巨蟹座";
 } else if (($month == 7 && $day > 22) || ($month == 8 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "狮子座";
 } else if (($month == 8 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 9 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "处女座";
 } else if (($month == 9 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 10 && $day <= 23)) {
  $strValue = "天秤座";
 } else if (($month == 10 && $day > 23) || ($month == 11 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "天蝎座";
 } else if (($month == 11 && $day > 22) || ($month == 12 && $day <= 21)) {
  $strValue = "射手座";
 } else if (($month == 12 && $day > 21) || ($month == 1 && $day <= 19)) {
  $strValue = "魔羯座";
 return $strValue;
// 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的生肖
function get_shengxiao($cid) {
 $cid = getIDCard($cid);
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return &#39;&#39;;
 $start = 1901;
 $end = $end = (int)substr($cid,6,4);
 $x = ($start - $end) % 12;
 $value = ""; 
 if ($x == 1 || $x == -11) {$value = "鼠";}
 if ($x == 0) { $value = "牛";}
 if ($x == 11 || $x == -1) {$value = "虎";}
 if ($x == 10 || $x == -2) {$value = "兔";}
 if ($x == 9 || $x == -3) {$value = "龙";}
 if ($x == 8 || $x == -4) {$value = "蛇";}
 if ($x == 7 || $x == -5) {$value = "马";}
 if ($x == 6 || $x == -6) {$value = "羊";}
 if ($x == 5 || $x == -7) {$value = "猴";}
 if ($x == 4 || $x == -8) {$value = "鸡";}
 if ($x == 3 || $x == -9) {$value = "狗";}
 if ($x == 2 || $x == -10) {$value = "猪";}
 return $value;
function get_xingbie($cid,$comm=0) { //根据身份证号,自动返回性别
 $cid = getIDCard($cid);
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return &#39;&#39;;
 $sexint = (int)substr($cid,16,1);
 if($comm >0){
    return $sexint % 2 === 0 ? &#39;女士&#39; : &#39;先生&#39;;
    return $sexint % 2 === 0 ? &#39;女&#39; : &#39;男&#39;;

// 功能:把15位身份证转换成18位
function getIDCard($idCard) {
    // 若是15位,则转换成18位;否则直接返回ID
    if (15 == strlen ( $idCard )) {
        $W = array (7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1 );
        $A = array ("1","0","X","9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2" );
        $s = 0;
        $idCard18 = substr ( $idCard, 0, 6 ) . "19" . substr ( $idCard, 6 );
        $idCard18_len = strlen ( $idCard18 );
        for($i = 0; $i < $idCard18_len; $i ++) {
            $s = $s + substr ( $idCard18, $i, 1 ) * $W [$i];
        $idCard18 .= $A [$s % 11];
        return $idCard18;
    } else {
        return $idCard;



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