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How to use Vue+CSS3 to create interactive effects

2017-11-27 15:18:132554browse

We know that interactive effects or special effects will definitely be used when doing projects. I once developed a project in which Guo has been using Vue. In terms of developing the technology stack, I used Vue+CSS3. In the process, I found that vue+css3 development special effects are very useful. It’s easy to use. Today I will bring you such a tutorial.

1. Although the code in the article is very simple and not difficult to understand, it is recommended that you read it while writing to avoid confusion.
2. The small examples mentioned in the article are very basic. You can expand or modify them based on your own ideas, which may have unexpected effects. When I write this type of article, I also want to teach people how to fish, not teach them how to fish!
3. These examples are taken from my own daily practice projects, and the code has been mentioned on github (vue-demos). Welcome everyone to star.

2. Opening animation

Principle analysis

Speaking of principle analysis, there is actually nothing to analyze. It is to replace the text when the page is in the following state. Lose. As for seeing the font shrinking into a ball, it is the control effect of the letter-spacing css attribute. Font blur is the control effect of the filter: blur() css attribute! You can see that there are gradual changes, which is the effect of CSS3 animation.

Let’s briefly analyze the steps of this animation. As you can see from the bottom, this animation has a total of 8 steps.

Now it is clear. We want to start changing the text at the moment shown in the picture below, that is, two seconds after the page is loaded, and the animation is executed twice before starting to change the text. Then change the text every two seconds until the end!

The codes of vue and javascript are given below to see which method is simpler!

vue method

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title> </head> <style>     body{         background: #ccc;     }     h1 {         color: white;         text-transform: uppercase;         margin-top: 100px;         text-align: center;         font-size: 6rem;         line-height: 1;         animation: letterspacing 1s 7 alternate ease-in-out;         display: block;         letter-spacing: .5rem;     }     @keyframes letterspacing {         0% {             letter-spacing: -72px;             filter: blur(20px);         }         40% {             filter: blur(6px);         }         80% {             letter-spacing: 8px;             filter: blur(0);         }     } </style> <body> <div id="text">     <h1>{{testText}}</h1> </div> </body> <script src="vue.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     new Vue({         el:&#39;#text&#39;,         data:{             nowIndex:0,             testText:&#39;欢迎浏览&#39;         },         mounted(){             let _this=this;             let timer = setInterval(function(){                 _this.nowIndex++;                 switch (_this.nowIndex) {                     case 1:                         _this.testText = &#39;守候的文章&#39;;                         break;                     case 2:                         _this.testText = &#39;愿您浏览愉快&#39;;                         break;                     case 3:                         _this.testText = &#39;学到知识&#39;;                         break;                 }                 if (_this.nowIndex > 3) {                     setTimeout(() => {                         clearInterval(timer);                     }, 2000)                 }             }, 2000)         }     }) </script> </html>

javascript method

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title> </head> <style>     body{         background: #ccc;     }     h1 {         color: white;         text-transform: uppercase;         margin-top: 100px;         text-align: center;         font-size: 6rem;         line-height: 1;         animation: letterspacing 1s 7 alternate ease-in-out;         display: block;         letter-spacing: .5rem;     }     @keyframes letterspacing {         0% {             letter-spacing: -6rem;             filter: blur(1rem);         }         40% {             filter: blur(.3rem);         }         80% {             letter-spacing: .5rem;             filter: blur(0rem);         }     } </style> <body> <div id="text">     <h1>欢迎浏览</h1> </div> </body> <script>     var oH1=document.querySelector(&#39;h1&#39;),nowIndex=0;     console.log(oH1)     var timer = setInterval(function () {         nowIndex++;         switch (nowIndex) {             case 1:                 oH1.innerHTML = &#39;守候的文章&#39;;                 break;             case 2:                 oH1.innerHTML = &#39;愿您浏览愉快&#39;;                 break;             case 3:                 oH1.innerHTML = &#39;学到知识&#39;;                 break;         }         if (nowIndex > 3) {             setTimeout(() => {                 clearInterval(timer);             }, 2000)         }     }, 2000) </script> </html>

3. Navigation slider

Operation effect

Principle analysis

First of all, the following is the position of the orange slider when the page is initialized

Put the mouse on the second tab. You can see that the orange slider is offset to the right by a tab distance

Put the mouse on the third tab, you can see that the orange slider is offset to the right by the distance of two tabs

If from the first tab to the sixth tab The indices are 0,1,2,3,4,5.

Then the formula of the slider is (index * width of tab). As you can see, the effect that gradually passes is actually the effect of CSS3 transition. Just look at the code below, you will understand it at a glance! The code is as follows:

vue method

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css"> <style>     .nav{         margin: 40px;         position: relative;     } .nav li{     float: left;     width: 100px;     height: 40px;     line-height: 40px;     color: #fff;     text-align: center;     background: #09f;     cursor: pointer; }     .nav span{         position: relative;         z-index: 2;     }     .nav .slider{         position: absolute;         transition: all .5s cubic-bezier(0.4, -0.3, 0.57, 1.38);         width: 100px;         height: 40px;         background: #f90;         top: 0;         left: 0;         z-index: 1;     } </style> <body> <div class="nav clear" id="nav" @mouseleave="nowIndex=0">     <ul>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=0"><span>Tab One</span></li>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=1"><span>Tab Two</span></li>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=2"><span>Tab Three</span></li>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=3"><span>Tab four</span></li>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=4"><span>Tab five</span></li>         <li @mouseenter.stop="nowIndex=5"><span>Tab six</span></li>     </ul>     <div class="slider" :style="{&#39;transform&#39;:&#39;translate3d(&#39;+nowIndex*100+&#39;px,0,0)&#39;}"></div> </div> </body> <script src="vue.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">    new Vue({        el:&#39;#nav&#39;,        data:{            nowIndex:0        }    }) </script> </html>

javascript method

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css"> <style>     .nav{         position: relative;     } .nav li{     float: left;     width: 100px;     height: 40px;     line-height: 40px;     color: #fff;     text-align: center;     background: #09f;     cursor: pointer; }     .nav span{         position: relative;         z-index: 2;     }     .nav .slider{         position: absolute;         transition: all .5s cubic-bezier(0.4, -0.3, 0.57, 1.38);         width: 100px;         height: 40px;         background: #f90;         top: 0;         left: 0;         z-index: 1;     } </style> <body> <div class="nav clear" id="nav">     <ul>         <li><span>Tab One</span></li>         <li><span>Tab Two</span></li>         <li><span>Tab Three</span></li>         <li><span>Tab four</span></li>         <li><span>Tab five</span></li>         <li><span>Tab six</span></li>     </ul>     <div class="slider"></div> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript">     var oDiv=document.querySelector("#nav"),oLi=oDiv.querySelectorAll("li"),oSlider=document.querySelector(".slider");     oDiv.addEventListener("mouseleave",function () {         oSlider.style.transform=&#39;translate3d(0,0,0)&#39;;     })     for(var i=0;i<oLi.length;i++){         oLi[i].index=i;         oLi[i].addEventListener("mouseenter",function (e) {             oSlider.style.transform=&#39;translate3d(&#39;+this.index*100+&#39;px,0,0)&#39;;         })     } </script> </html>

4. Carousel image

The blue box is li and the black box is div

Seeing the above, it actually controls the offset of ul (transform:translate3d). The calculation formula is similar to the slider above, index (0|1|2|3)*width of li. The difference is that the offset of ul is a negative number, because ul wants to move to the left, and the slider above wants to move to the right!
When the first picture is taken, the ul offset is set (transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)).
When the second picture is taken, the ul offset is set (transform: translate3d(-1000px, 0px, 0px)).
When the second picture is taken, the ul offset is set (transform: translate3d(-2000px, 0px, 0px)). By analogy, the offset can be calculated easily!

Maybe everyone is a little confused by what I said, but if you look at the code below, you won’t be confused, because the code is also very simple!

vue way

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css">     <style>         .slide-img {             width: 1000px;             height: 500px;             overflow: hidden;             position: relative;             margin: 20px auto;         }         ul {             transition: all .5s ease;         }         li {             float: left;         }         .slide-arrow div {             width: 50px;             height: 100px;             position: absolute;             margin: auto;             top: 0;             bottom: 0;             background: url("http://i1.bvimg.com/1949/4d860a3067fab23b.jpg") no-repeat;         }         .arrow-right {             transform: rotate(180deg);             right: 0;         }         .arrow-left {             left: 0;         }         .slide-option{             position: absolute;             bottom: 10px;             width: 100%;             left: 0;             text-align: center;         }         .slide-option span{             display: inline-block;             width: 14px;             height: 14px;             border-radius: 100%;             background: #ccc;             margin: 0 10px;         }         .slide-option .active{             background: #09f;         }     </style> </head> <body> <div class="slide-img clear" id="slide-img">     <!--用tran这个class控制ul是否含有过渡效果,样式已经写好-->     <ul :style="{&#39;width&#39;:(listWidth*list.length)+&#39;px&#39;,&#39;transform&#39;:&#39;translate3d(-&#39;+(listWidth*nowIndex)+&#39;px,0,0)&#39;}">         <!--遍历出来的图片-->         <li v-for="(li,index) in list" :style="{&#39;width&#39;:listWidth+&#39;px&#39;}">             <a href="javascript:;">                 <img :src="li" class="slider-img"/>             </a>         </li>     </ul>     <div class="slide-option">         <span v-for="(li,index) in list" :class="{&#39;active&#39;:index===nowIndex}"></span>     </div>     <div class="slide-arrow">         <div class="arrow-left" @click.stop="switchDo(&#39;reduce&#39;)"></div>         <div class="arrow-right" @click.stop="switchDo"></div>     </div> </div> </body> <script src="vue.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     new Vue({         el: &#39;#slide-img&#39;,         data: {             nowIndex: 0,             listWidth: &#39;1000&#39;,             list: [&#39;./images/timg1.jpg&#39;, &#39;./images/timg2.jpg&#39;, &#39;./images/timg3.jpg&#39;, &#39;./images/timg4.jpg&#39;],             timer:null         },         methods: {             //滑动操作             switchDo(reduce){                 clearInterval(this.timer);                 //根据reduce判断this.nowIndex的增加或者减少!                 if(reduce===&#39;reduce&#39;){                     //如果是第一张,就返回最后一张                     if(this.nowIndex===0){                         this.nowIndex=this.list.length-1;                     }                     else{                         this.nowIndex--;                     }                 }                 else{                     //如果是最后一张,就返回第一张                     if(this.nowIndex===this.list.length-1){                         this.nowIndex=0;                     }                     else{                         this.nowIndex++;                     }                 }                 var _this=this;                 this.timer=setInterval(function () {                     _this.switchDo();                 },4000)             },         },         mounted(){             var _this=this;             this.timer=setInterval(function () {                 _this.switchDo();             },4000)         }     }) </script> </html>

javascript way

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>Title</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css">     <style>         .slide-img {             width: 1000px;             height: 500px;             overflow: hidden;             position: relative;             margin: 20px auto;         }         ul {             transition: all .5s ease;         }         li {             float: left;         }         .slide-arrow div {             width: 50px;             height: 100px;             position: absolute;             margin: auto;             top: 0;             bottom: 0;             background: url("http://i1.bvimg.com/1949/4d860a3067fab23b.jpg") no-repeat;         }         .arrow-right {             transform: rotate(180deg);             right: 0;         }         .arrow-left {             left: 0;         }         .slide-option{             position: absolute;             bottom: 10px;             width: 100%;             left: 0;             text-align: center;         }         .slide-option span{             display: inline-block;             width: 14px;             height: 14px;             border-radius: 100%;             background: #ccc;             margin: 0 10px;         }         .slide-option .active{             background: #09f;         }     </style> </head> <body> <div class="slide-img clear" id="slide-img">     <!--用tran这个class控制ul是否含有过渡效果,样式已经写好-->     <ul id="slide-img-ul">         <!--遍历出来的图片-->         <li style="width: 1000px;"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/timg1.jpg" class="slider-img"/></a></li>         <li style="width: 1000px;"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/timg2.jpg" class="slider-img"/></a></li>         <li style="width: 1000px;"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/timg3.jpg" class="slider-img"/></a></li>         <li style="width: 1000px;"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/timg4.jpg" class="slider-img"/></a></li>     </ul>     <div class="slide-option">         <span></span>         <span></span>         <span></span>         <span></span>     </div>     <div class="slide-arrow">         <div class="arrow-left"></div>         <div class="arrow-right"></div>     </div> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript">     window.onload=function () {         var oUl=document.querySelector(&#39;#slide-img-ul&#39;);         var oLi=oUl.querySelectorAll(&#39;li&#39;);         var oSpan=document.querySelector(&#39;.slide-option&#39;).querySelectorAll(&#39;span&#39;);         var oArrowLeft=document.querySelector(&#39;.arrow-left&#39;);         var oArrowRight=document.querySelector(&#39;.arrow-right&#39;);         oUl.style.width=&#39;4000px&#39;;         oArrowLeft.addEventListener(&#39;click&#39;,function () {             switchDo(&#39;reduce&#39;);         })         oArrowRight.addEventListener(&#39;click&#39;,function () {             switchDo();         })         var timer=null,nowIndex=0;         function switchDo(reduce){             clearInterval(timer);             //设置样式             oUl.style.transform=&#39;translate3d(-&#39;+(1000*nowIndex)+&#39;px,0,0)&#39;;             for (var i=0;i<oSpan.length;i++){                 if(i===nowIndex){                     oSpan[i].className=&#39;active&#39;;                 }                 else{                     oSpan[i].className=&#39;&#39;;                 }             }             //根据reduce判断this.nowIndex的增加或者减少!             if(reduce===&#39;reduce&#39;){                 //如果是第一张,就返回最后一张                 if(nowIndex===0){                     nowIndex=oLi.length-1;                 }                 else{                     nowIndex--;                 }             }             else{                 //如果是最后一张,就返回第一张                 if(nowIndex===oLi.length-1){                     nowIndex=0;                 }                 else{                     nowIndex++;                 }             }             timer=setInterval(function () {                 switchDo();             },4000)         }         switchDo();     } </script> </html>

5. Summary

Okay, about the special effects of vue+css3 development, and the use of javascript+css3 That’s it for comparison. I hope these three small examples can help everyone understand how to use vue+css3 to develop special effects. The three small examples I'm talking about today are not meant to give you codes for you to copy and paste, but I hope they can serve as a starting point and expand your thinking! As I said in my previous article, I write the article hoping to play a role in teaching people how to fish, rather than teaching people how to fish! Finally, if you think there is anything I wrote wrong or wrong, or if you have any other suggestions, please point it out! Let everyone learn from each other and make progress together!

I believe you have mastered the methods after reading these cases. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Related reading:

How to create the loading effect of CSS3

##CSS How to convert the encoding

#How to use canvas to create the effect of particle fountain animation

The above is the detailed content of How to use Vue+CSS3 to create interactive effects. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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