图片大小,不够的地方自动填充空白哦。有需要的朋友可以"/> 图片大小,不够的地方自动填充空白哦。有需要的朋友可以">

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php 生成缩略图代码可自动填充空白处

2016-06-13 09:48:531375browse



error_reporting( E_ALL );
// 测试
imagezoom('1.jpg', '2.jpg', 400, 300, '#FFFFFF');
等比例无损压缩,可填充补充色 author: 华仔
bmp 、jpg 、gif、png
@srcimage : 要缩小的图片
@dstimage : 要保存的图片
@dst_width: 缩小宽
@dst_height: 缩小高
@backgroundcolor: 补充色 如:#FFFFFF 支持 6位 不支持3位
function imagezoom( $srcimage, $dstimage, $dst_width, $dst_height, $backgroundcolor ) {
// 中文件名乱码
if ( PHP_OS == 'WINNT' ) {
$srcimage = iconv('UTF-8', 'GBK', $srcimage);
$dstimage = iconv('UTF-8', 'GBK', $dstimage);
$dstimg = imagecreatetruecolor( $dst_width, $dst_height );
$color = imagecolorallocate($dstimg
, hexdec(substr($backgroundcolor, 1, 2))
, hexdec(substr($backgroundcolor, 3, 2))
, hexdec(substr($backgroundcolor, 5, 2))
imagefill($dstimg, 0, 0, $color);
if ( !$arr=getimagesize($srcimage) ) {
echo "要生成缩略图的文件不存在";
$src_width = $arr[0];
$src_height = $arr[1];
$srcimg = null;
$method = getcreatemethod( $srcimage );
if ( $method ) {
eval( '$srcimg = ' . $method . ';' );
$dst_x = 0;
$dst_y = 0;
$dst_w = $dst_width;
$dst_h = $dst_height;
if ( ($dst_width / $dst_height - $src_width / $src_height) > 0 ) {
$dst_w = $src_width * ( $dst_height / $src_height );
$dst_x = ( $dst_width - $dst_w ) / 2;
} elseif ( ($dst_width / $dst_height - $src_width / $src_height) $dst_h = $src_height * ( $dst_width / $src_width );
$dst_y = ( $dst_height - $dst_h ) / 2;
imagecopyresampled($dstimg, $srcimg, $dst_x
, $dst_y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_width, $src_height);
// 保存格式
$arr = array(
'jpg' => 'imagejpeg'
, 'jpeg' => 'imagejpeg'
, 'png' => 'imagepng'
, 'gif' => 'imagegif'
, 'bmp' => 'imagebmp'
$suffix = strtolower( array_pop(explode('.', $dstimage ) ) );
if (!in_array($suffix, array_keys($arr)) ) {
echo "保存的文件名错误";
} else {
eval( $arr[$suffix] . '($dstimg, "'.$dstimage.'");' );
imagejpeg($dstimg, $dstimage);
function getcreatemethod( $file ) {
$arr = array(
'474946' => "imagecreatefromgif('$file')"
, 'FFD8FF' => "imagecreatefromjpeg('$file')"
, '424D' => "imagecreatefrombmp('$file')"
, '89504E' => "imagecreatefrompng('$file')"
$fd = fopen( $file, "rb" );
$data = fread( $fd, 3 );
$data = str2hex( $data );
if ( array_key_exists( $data, $arr ) ) {
return $arr[$data];
} elseif ( array_key_exists( substr($data, 0, 4), $arr ) ) {
return $arr[substr($data, 0, 4)];
} else {
return false;
function str2hex( $str ) {
$ret = "";
for( $i = 0; $i $ret .= ord($str[$i]) >= 16 ? strval( dechex( ord($str[$i]) ) )
: '0'. strval( dechex( ord($str[$i]) ) );
return strtoupper( $ret );
// BMP 创建函数 php本身无
function imagecreatefrombmp($filename)
if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return FALSE;
$FILE = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14));
if ($FILE['file_type'] != 19778) return FALSE;
$BMP = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'.
'/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40));
$BMP['colors'] = pow(2,$BMP['bits_per_pixel']);
if ($BMP['size_bitmap'] == 0) $BMP['size_bitmap'] = $FILE['file_size'] - $FILE['bitmap_offset'];
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel'] = $BMP['bits_per_pixel']/8;
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($BMP['bytes_per_pixel']);
$BMP['decal'] = ($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] -= floor($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] = 4-(4*$BMP['decal']);
if ($BMP['decal'] == 4) $BMP['decal'] = 0;
$PALETTE = array();
if ($BMP['colors'] {
$PALETTE = unpack('V'.$BMP['colors'], fread($f1,$BMP['colors']*4));
$IMG = fread($f1,$BMP['size_bitmap']);
$VIDE = chr(0);
$res = imagecreatetruecolor($BMP['width'],$BMP['height']);
$P = 0;
$Y = $BMP['height']-1;
while ($Y >= 0)
while ($X {
if ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 24)
$COLOR = unpack("V",substr($IMG,$P,3).$VIDE);
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 16)
$COLOR = unpack("n",substr($IMG,$P,2));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 8)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,$P,1));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 4)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] >> 4) ; else $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x0F);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 1)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*8)%8 == 0) $COLOR[1] = $COLOR[1] >>7;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x40)>>6;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x20)>>5;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x10)>>4;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x8)>>3;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x4)>>2;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x2)>>1;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x1);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
return FALSE;
$P += $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'];
return $res;
// BMP 保存函数,php本身无
function imagebmp ($im, $fn = false)
if (!$im) return false;
if ($fn === false) $fn = 'php://output';
$f = fopen ($fn, "w");
if (!$f) return false;
$biWidth = imagesx ($im);
$biHeight = imagesy ($im);
$biBPLine = $biWidth * 3;
$biStride = ($biBPLine + 3) & ~3;
$biSizeImage = $biStride * $biHeight;
$bfOffBits = 54;
$bfSize = $bfOffBits + $biSizeImage;
fwrite ($f, 'BM', 2);
fwrite ($f, pack ('VvvV', $bfSize, 0, 0, $bfOffBits));
fwrite ($f, pack ('VVVvvVVVVVV', 40, $biWidth, $biHeight, 1, 24, 0, $biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0, 0));
$numpad = $biStride - $biBPLine;
for ($y = $biHeight - 1; $y >= 0; --$y)
for ($x = 0; $x {
$col = imagecolorat ($im, $x, $y);
fwrite ($f, pack ('V', $col), 3);
for ($i = 0; $i fwrite ($f, pack ('C', 0));
fclose ($f);
return true;
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