What is Zyft?
Zyft is a browser extension that compares prices from multiple retailers when you shop online. Zyft also shows stock levels and price history. Currently works best on Australian retailers.
How to use Zyft?
To use Zyft, you can simply download the browser extension from the App and Chrome Web Store. Once installed, Zyft will automatically compare prices for you when you shop online.
Zyft's Core Features
The core features of Zyft include comparing prices from multiple websites, showing stock levels, and providing price history.
Zyft's Use Cases
Zyft is ideal for anyone who wants to find the best prices when shopping online. It is especially useful for Australian shoppers.
Zyft Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
More Contact, visit the contact us page(https://www.zyft.com/contact-us)
Zyft Company
More about Zyft, Please visit the about us page(https://www.zyft.com/about-us).
Zyft Facebook
Zyft Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/zyftofficial/
Zyft Youtube
Zyft Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/@ZyftShoppingPriceComparison
Zyft Tiktok
Zyft Tiktok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@zyftshopping
Zyft Linkedin
Zyft Linkedin Link: https://au.linkedin.com/company/zyft-ai
Zyft Instagram
Zyft Instagram Link: https://instagram.com/try.zyft?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=