Product Information
What is YOMO?
YOMO is an AI meeting assistant for product managers that helps discover customer problems, guides build decisions, and shapes revenue-driving roadmaps.
How to use YOMO?
YOMO is easy to use. Sign up for an account, schedule a meeting, and let YOMO capture key insights, provide feedback, and generate detailed reports from user research interviews.
YOMO's Core Features
Capture key insights
Provide feedback
Generate detailed reports
AI meeting assistant
User research interviews
YOMO's Use Cases
Analyzing conversion rates
Improving sales
Measuring active usage
Targeting areas of improvement
Finding retention drivers
Making customers smile
YOMO Company
YOMO Company name: YOMO AI .
YOMO Login
YOMO Login Link: https://www.yomoai.com/app
YOMO Pricing
YOMO Pricing Link: https://www.yomoai.com/#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-0
YOMO Linkedin
YOMO Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/yomoai/
YOMO Twitter
YOMO Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/theyomoai
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