Product Information
What is SuperKeen?
Super-personalized, well-researched LinkedIn messages in one click with AI.
How to use SuperKeen?
SuperKeen is a Chrome plugin that finds similarities between you and the person you're messaging - companies, schools, majors, and connections - and drafts InMails that convert.
SuperKeen's Core Features
Super-personalized messages
Well-researched InMails
Finding similarities between you and the person you're messaging
InMails that convert
SuperKeen's Use Cases
{ "name": "Sales Outreach", "description": "A template that explains your product, how it relates to the person you’re reaching out to, and that outlines next steps to speak." }
{ "name": "Hiring", "description": "A template to reach out to prospective job candidates for a role you’re hiring for. It outlines why you think they are a good fit, finds areas of commonality you share, and proposes a follow-up to discuss the role." }
{ "name": "Job Seeking", "description": "A template to reach out to a hiring manager for a role where you’d be a good fit. It outlines why your work experience and education are a good fit, finds areas of commonality you share, and proposes a follow-up to discuss the role." }
{ "name": "Getting Feedback", "description": "A template to reach out to a person for feedback. It outlines why you are seeking their expertise, highlights any shared experiences or connections you have with them, and proposes a follow-up to discuss the role." }
{ "name": "Outreach", "description": "A template to reach out to somebody in a personalized, relevant way. Does not propose a specific next step, but works well for establishing an initial connection based on commonalities you share." }
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