What is Spark Mail?
Spark helps you take your inbox under control. Instantly see what’s important and quickly clean up the rest.
How to use Spark Mail?
Download and install Spark on your device Sync your email accounts across all your devices Use the Smart Inbox and Home Screen to prioritize and organize your emails Take advantage of features like Gatekeeper, Snooze Emails, and Send Later Collaborate with your team using Spark's team management tools
Spark Mail's Core Features
Smart Inbox
Home screen
Snooze Emails
Send Later
Reminder to Follow-up
Email Signatures
Newsletters & Notifications
Spark Mail's Use Cases
Filter out the noise
Prioritize important contacts
Organize your inbox effectively
Stay focused and distraction-free
Collaborate with teams
Secure and private email
Spark Mail Company
Spark Mail Company name: Spark Mail Limited .
More about Spark Mail, Please visit the about us page(https://sparkmailapp.com/about).
Spark Mail Pricing
Spark Mail Pricing Link: https://sparkmailapp.com/plans-comparison
Spark Mail Facebook
Spark Mail Facebook Link: https://facebook.com/Readdle
Spark Mail Youtube
Spark Mail Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/ReaddleLive/videos
Spark Mail Twitter
Spark Mail Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/Readdle
Spark Mail Instagram
Spark Mail Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/Readdle/