What is scite?
scite is a platform that helps researchers discover and understand research articles by showing how they have been cited. It allows users to read the context of citation and understand if it provides supporting or contrasting evidence for the cited claim. With over 1.2 billion Smart Citations, researchers can find expert analyses and opinions on all topics.
How to use scite?
To use scite, researchers can install the browser extension or use the scite Assistant. They can search for specific articles or topics to see how they have been cited. The platform provides citation statements that show the exact context of the citation and whether it supports or contrasts the cited claim. Users can explore related articles, find appropriate references and>
scite's Core Features
The core features of scite include:
- Smart Citations: Provides the context of citation and classifies whether it supports or contrasts the cited claim.
- Citation Statements: Shows the exact citation context and allows users to explore related articles.
- Expert Analyses and Opinions: With a>
scite's Use Cases
scite can be used for various purposes including:
- Discovering and understanding research articles.
- Evaluating the support for references in academic papers.
- Finding expert analyses and opinions on specific topics.
- Improving research outcomes for universities and governments.
- Improving the discoverability of publications for publishers.
- Staying updated on drug development, efficacy, and clinical trials for corporate, pharma, and enterprise users.
scite Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
Here is the scite support email for customer service: [email protected] . More Contact, visit the contact us page(mailto:[email protected])
scite Company
scite Company name: scite LLC .
scite Company address: 334 Leonard St Brooklyn, NY 11211.
More about scite, Please visit the about us page(https://scite.ai/news-and-press).
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scite Login Link: https://scite.ai/pricing
scite Sign up
scite Sign up Link: https://scite.ai/pricing
scite Pricing
scite Pricing Link: https://scite.ai/pricing
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scite Facebook Link: https://facebook.com/sciteai
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scite Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCso9-KdHZ6vfbYgM59zp9EA
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scite Tiktok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@scite.ai
scite Linkedin
scite Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sciteai/
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scite Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/scite
scite Instagram
scite Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/scite.ai/