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Product Information

What is PropertySimple?

AI-Driven Real Estate Marketing and Follow-up

How to use PropertySimple?

1. Sign up for an account on PropertySimple 2. Choose a plan that fits your needs 3. Explore the features and navigate the platform 4. Create and schedule content for social media 5. Use AI-driven marketing tools to automate ads and follow-up with leads 6. Utilize the CRM to track and convert leads 7. Claim your ZIP code on the national property portal for increased visibility 8. Engage with your sphere and increase exposure on social media 9. Enjoy time-saving features and grow your real estate business

PropertySimple's Core Features

Automated Ads, Marketing, and Follow Up with AI for Real Estate Agents

AI Marketing on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter

Automatic text follow-up and call transcriptions powered by ChatGPT4

Social media content creation and scheduling

ZIP code claim on national property portal

PropertySimple's Use Cases

Market Yourself & Your Listings with automated social media and listing ads

Exclusively market an entire ZIP Code to increase visibility in your area

PropertySimple Company

PropertySimple Company name: PropertySimple Inc. .

More about PropertySimple, Please visit the about us page(

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