What is PayMeForMyAI?
PayMeForMyAI enables creators to build and monetize GPT bots without code. Start by building your own custom GPT. Share it with anyone and charge your users on your terms. Creators get 100% revenue back (we take 0% commission).
PayMeForMyAI's Use Cases
StartupGPT - A bot with extensive knowledge of Entrepreneurship and Startups. It is made for Startup Founders by Startup Founders. $5 / 10 chats.
CareerGPT - Career Counseling for young university graduates or people trying to start a new career. $5 / 20 chats.
DevGPT - Your personal frontend and backend software developer that can code in Python, JavaScript, C, HTML, CSS, Rust, Go... $5 / 50 chats.
IdeasGPT - Ask the bot to rate your idea on commercial viability and know if your idea is worth spending time. $5 / 15 chats.
Emojify Bot - Submit some random text and let Emojify add emojis to it. Emojify it!!! $5 / 50 chats.
SteelBrro - AI chatbot, your new gym homie with a brain full of muscle magic! Learn more at SteelBrro.com $5 / 50 chats.
Mediator - Unbiased mediation for conflict resolution, chatting to all involved parties, professional, empathic and efficient $3 / 100 chats.
TutorAI - Personalized tutoring in any subject and educational level $10 / 200 chats.
PleasureAI - Providing a pleasurable experience via AI. $3 / 100 chats.
PayMeForMyAI Reddit
Here is the PayMeForMyAI Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/paymeformyai
PayMeForMyAI Discord
Here is the PayMeForMyAI Discord: https://discord.gg/FnktGy3mkV. For more Discord message, please click here(/discord/fnktgy3mkv).
PayMeForMyAI Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
Here is the PayMeForMyAI support email for customer service: [email protected] .
PayMeForMyAI Company
PayMeForMyAI Company name: RentParcel Technologies Inc. .
PayMeForMyAI Login
PayMeForMyAI Login Link: https://pmfm.ai/login
PayMeForMyAI Sign up
PayMeForMyAI Sign up Link: https://pmfm.ai/signup
PayMeForMyAI Pricing
PayMeForMyAI Pricing Link: https://pmfm.ai/#pricing
PayMeForMyAI Facebook
PayMeForMyAI Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557464597958
PayMeForMyAI Youtube
PayMeForMyAI Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/@PayMeForMyAI
PayMeForMyAI Linkedin
PayMeForMyAI Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/PayMeForMyAI
PayMeForMyAI Twitter
PayMeForMyAI Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/paymeformyai
PayMeForMyAI Reddit
PayMeForMyAI Reddit Link: https://reddit.com/r/paymeformyai
PayMeForMyAI Github
PayMeForMyAI Github Link: https://github.com/asaxena0824/PayMeForMyAI-Themes