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Customizable email-based scheduling assistantDec-13,2024
Product Information
What is Parity?
Your personal AI scheduling assistant
How to use Parity?
Create a fully-customizable assistant that will schedule meetings for you. Just CC your assistant onto emails.
Parity's Core Features
Coordinate meetings
Get briefing of calendar events
Forward events to calendar
Reschedule events
Compatibility with Google and Outlook calendars, Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams
Parity's Use Cases
Coordinate meetings with multiple participants
Get a briefing of daily schedule
Add events to calendar by forwarding emails
Reschedule all events for a specific day
Sync with favorite tools for seamless scheduling
Parity Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
Here is the Parity support email for customer service: [email protected] .
Parity Pricing
Parity Pricing Link:
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