What is Magisterium AI?
Magisterium AI is a digital assistant for accessing teachings of the Catholic Church, providing information on saints, prayers, creeds, and Catholic practices.
How to use Magisterium AI?
Interact with Magisterium AI by asking questions or requesting information about readings, saints, prayers, creeds, and other Catholic topics.
Magisterium AI's Core Features
Access to readings for Mass
Information on saints, prayers, and creeds
Guidance on Catholic practices
Magisterium AI's Use Cases
Get daily readings for Mass
Learn about the saints of the day
Receive guidance before confession
Engage in prayer such as the Rosary, Angelus, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Magisterium AI Discord
Here is the Magisterium AI Discord: https://discord.gg/3FVt6TmkJU. For more Discord message, please click here(/discord/3fvt6tmkju).
Magisterium AI Company
More about Magisterium AI, Please visit the about us page(https://www.magisterium.com/about).
Magisterium AI Facebook
Magisterium AI Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/magisteriumai
Magisterium AI Linkedin
Magisterium AI Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/magisteriumai
Magisterium AI Twitter
Magisterium AI Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/magisteriumai