Product Information
What is getlista{a}?
getlista{a} is a cutting-edge search-based product that harnesses the power of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to scan the vast expanse of the internet in real-time and identify your prospects as your next hire or potential customer.
How to use getlista{a}?
Sign up with Linkedin, use keywords, boolean operators, or natural language to search. Use APIs to find contact information. Get insights and decision-ready information.
getlista{a}'s Core Features
Global Talent, One Search
Gateway to openweb, where 800 Million professionals converge
List{a} pipeline in 5 seconds
Search without borders
Find Contact Using APIs
Precise profile summary and decision-ready insights
getlista{a} Pricing
getlista{a} Pricing Link: https://getlista.io/pricing
getlista{a} Linkedin
getlista{a} Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=865e4bexm9cq23&redirect_uri=https://getlista.io/linkedinauth&scope=openid%20profile%20email
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