What is Albato?
With Albato, you can easily integrate your applications into automated workflows using an intuitive builder. We help teams eliminate manual tasks and the stress of searching for technical solutions. Focus your budget and time solely to key tasks.
How to use Albato?
Automate your workflow by integrating the apps you use every day. No-code integration platform with 500+ available apps and 27.000+ automation scenarios.
Albato's Core Features
SaaS ecosystem, API integrations, 24/7 support, simple UI
Albato Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
Here is the Albato support email for customer service: [email protected] .
Albato Company
Albato Company name: Albato Limited .
Albato Company address: José Adelino dos Santos, no 2B, Setúbal, Portugal.
Albato Login
Albato Login Link: https://albato.com/app/user/auth/login?lang=en
Albato Sign up
Albato Sign up Link: https://albato.com/app/user/signup?lang=en
Albato Pricing
Albato Pricing Link: https://albato.com/pricing
Albato Facebook
Albato Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/albato.global
Albato Youtube
Albato Youtube Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkcmYx2c6gVgwTOXh4x7VAg
Albato Linkedin
Albato Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/albato/