Product Information
What is AI Employe?
AI Employe is an AI-first RPA Chrome extension that functions as a virtual assistant within your internet browser. It automates repetitive online tasks and has human-like intelligence.
How to use AI Employe?
To use AI Employe, you can create a workflow by outlining and demonstrating your task in the browser, just as you would show it to a human. The AI will execute the tasks, including complex ones requiring human-like intelligence.
AI Employe's Core Features
The core features of AI Employe include browser automation, automation of email-to-CRM/ERP>
AI Employe's Use Cases
AI Employe can be used in various use cases such as automating repetitive online tasks, automating email-to-CRM/ERP>
AI Employe Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
AI Employe Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
Here is the AI Employe support email for customer service: [email protected] .
AI Employe Login
AI Employe Login Link:
AI Employe Pricing
AI Employe Pricing Link:
AI Employe Github
AI Employe Github Link:
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