WWW Guide - World Wide Web
WWW Guide - World Wide Web
WWW - World Wide Web ConsortiumWWW is often called the Web. The web is a network of computers around the world. Computers use standard languages to communicate on the Web. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops Web standards |
What is WWW?
WWW stands for World Wide Web(World Wide Web)
The World Wide Web is often called network
A network is a network of computers all over the world
All computers in the network can communicate with each other
All computers use HTTP communication standard
How does the World Wide Web work?
The files in which information is stored are called web pages
Web pages are stored on the Web server.
The computer that reads web pages is called a Web client
The program that Web client uses to view web pages is called a Web browser
line of browsers include Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox.
How does the browser obtain the web page?
A browser obtains web page data from the server by requesting it
The standard HTTP request contains a web page address
Web page address example: http://www.w3cschool.cc
How does the browser display the page?
All web pages contain instructions on how to display them
The browser displays the page by reading these instructions.
The most common display instructions are called HTML tags
- ##The tags of paragraphs in HTML are:
- In HTML, a paragraph is defined like this:
<p>This is paragraph. </p>
Who is making Web standards?
- Web standards are not being done by Google or Microsoft
- The organization that formulates Web rules is W3C
- W3C stands for the web standards specifications formulated by the World Wide Web Consortium
- W3C.
- The most important web standards are HTML, CSS and XML