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Mobile device statistics

How is mobile device usage?

Mobile device statistics and development trends


A mobile device is a small computing device.

Usage of mobile devices has been growing steadily since the release of Apple's iPhone.

Today’s smartphones have large touch screens, beautiful user interfaces, and are highly optimized for web browsing.

From the statistics below (according to the log files on W3CSchool), you can see the usage trends of mobile devices by users of this site.

Mobile Device Statistics

The following table provides details about mobile device usage in Operating System Statistics:

##2012TotaliOS * Android(Android)Others ##November1.97 %1.00 %0.77 %0.20 %October 1.84 %0.94 %0.70 %0.20 %##9 Month8 Month7 Month6 Month##5 Month1.57 %0.88 %0.50 %0.19 %1.47 %##3 Month1.40 %0.78 %0.44 %0.18 %2 Months1.27 %0.71 %0.39 %0.17 % 1 Month1.25 %0.70 %0.38 %0.17 %
2014TotaliOS *AndroidOther
5月4.16 %1.27 %2.14 %0.75 %
4月4.03 %1.20 %2.10 %0.73 %
3 Month4.00 %1.32 %2.01 %0.67 %
2 Month 4.00 %1.21 %2.01 %0.78 %
1 Month4.00 %1.23 %1.93 %0.84 %
2013TotaliOS *AndroidOther
12 Month3.80 %1.13 % 1.76 %0.91 %
11 Month3.68 %1.20 %1.67 %0.81 %
10 Month3.29 %1.12 %1.44 % 0.73 %
9 Month3.26 %0.95 %1.55 %0.76 %
8 Month3.38 %1.21 %1.43 %0.74 %
7 Month3.16 %1.03 %1.37 %0.76 %
6 Month3.17 %1.15 %1.32 %0.70 %
5月2.64 %1.12 %1.04 %0.48 %
April2.24 %1.06 %0.97 %0.21 %
3 Month2.26 %1.11 %0.96 %0.19 %
2 Month 2.17 %1.06 %0.91 %0.20 %
1 month2.18 %1.07 %0.90 %0.21 %
12 Month2.19 %1.05 %0.90 %0.24 %
1.78 %0.89 %0.68 %0.21 %
1.79 % 0.91 %0.66 %0.22 %
1.71 %0.90 %0.59 %0.22 %
1.63 %0.90 % 0.52 %0.21 %
##4 Months
0.83 %0.45 % 0.19 %
##December1.17 %0.20 %0.39 %0.04 %0.35 %0.19 %11 Month1.02 %0.19 %0.36 %0.04 %0.30 %0.13 %10月0.96 %0.19 %0.33 %0.04 %0.28 %0.12 %9月0.89 %0.17 %0.30 %0.04 %0.25 %0.13 %##8 Month7 Month6 Month5月4 Month3 Month2 Month1 Month* iOS mainly refers to the operating system of Apple mobile devices (such as iPhone, iPad and iPod).
2011TotaliPhoneiPadiPod AndroidOther
0.91 %0.19 %0.30 % 0.05 %0.24 %0.13 %
0.95 %0.20 %0.31 %0.06 %0.24 %0.14 %
0.87 %0.19 %0.30 %0.05 %0.21 %0.12 %
0.80 %0.20 %0.25 %0.05 %0.19 %0.11 %
0.78 %0.20 %0.25 %0.05 %0.18 %0.10 %
0.70 %0.18 %0.21 %0.06 %0.16 %0.09 %
0.66 %0.18 %0.19 %0.06 %0.14 %0.09 %
0.65 %0.18 %0.20 %0.06 %0.13 % 0.08 %

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